Tag Archives: motor-vehicle

New Jersey Cracks Down On Cheesy Smiles In Driver’s License Photos

Better not even think about “putting a smile on your face”… The Garden State doesn’t want any more grins from citizens on their Driver’s License mugs…even if they are happy to be living in Jersey. According to the Daily News: “Your picture means a lot; it’s who you are,” said McNeil, 38, of Sicklerville, N.J. So, when the manager of the Motor Vehicle Commission office in Cherry Hill told her Tuesday that she wasn’t allowed to smile for her driver’s-license picture, she balked – and left, saying that the office’s staff couldn’t adequately explain the smile ban. “Why should we all look like androids, looking mopey? I know there are some people who don’t have good driver’s licenses, but I actually keep all mine,” said McNeil, whose pleasantly smiling image adorns old licenses from the six states in which she’s lived, as well as her debit and credit cards. Turns out, the state really does prefer that its six million drivers scowl rather than smile for the camera. Cue the New Jersey jokes. In January, New Jersey launched new face-recognition software that forbids license applicants from smiling widely or making other exaggerated facial expressions that might confuse the computer. The goal is to catch fraudsters. If a new photo, for example, matches an old one that carries a different name, a red flag goes up, and investigators step in. “That could be someone trying to steal someone else’s identity to get insurance benefits, or someone trying to get out of a DUI by getting a license under another name,” said Mike Horan, spokesman for the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. “This helps us weed out fraud.” If facial expressions vary greatly in photos of the same person, the software could incorrectly signal a problem, Horan said. Slight smiles are OK. “Hey-I-won-the-lottery-type smiles” are not, Horan said. “To get an accurate photo, you don’t want an excessively expressive face in the photo.” Pennsylvania and Delaware use the software, too. But “smile/no-smile is not a problem,” said Jan McKnight, a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation spokeswoman. “You can smile in Pennsylvania.” Most states use the face-recognition technology – and some even require fingerprints, according to the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators. We all know how difficult it is to get a decent pic on your license and this seems like it may be even harder now. Image via twitter

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New Jersey Cracks Down On Cheesy Smiles In Driver’s License Photos

Kurt Angle Arrested

Kurt Angle was previously arrested in March charged with “being in control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated,” after parking on a median and failing a field sobriety test. He was also booked (though later acquitted) in 2007 for DUI and careless driving. Kurt Angle has been pinned by the law once again. The former Olympic Gold Medalist and WWE star, and current TNA employee, was arrested early Sunday morning on suspicion of drink driving. The wrestler#39;s rental car was spotted swerving on

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Kurt Angle Arrested

Kellan Lutz GQ Magazine Australia

With Kellan Lutz also featured on the front and inside of an international publication, however, we won#39;t even bother to ask this silly question. The answer is rather obvious when one ogles his spread in GQ Australia, isn#39;t it? With Britney Spears covering the latest issue of UK Glamour, we have one question: Hot or not? It was revealed last last week that Sharni Vinson is the lucky actress who gets to wake up next to this hunk every morning, as the pair started dating earlier this summe

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Kellan Lutz GQ Magazine Australia

Joe Guidice Arrested

Joe Guidice#39;s license was initially suspended as a result of a Jan. 14, 2010, DUI incident that ended with him crashing into a telephone pole. Caught driving in violation of that suspension, he served a brief jail sentence last Sept. 21. Yet between these two dates, Passaic County law officials allege, Giudice took the time to visit the Motor Vehicle Office in Paterson, N.J., and, using his brother#39;s information, obtain a false license. Trouble has come knocking again at the doors of th

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Joe Guidice Arrested

Antwon Tanner Off to Jail For ID Theft

One Tree Hill? Try One Police Plaza! Actor Antwon Tanner has just been sentenced to three months in prison after selling social security numbers to an undercover detective in a sting operation.

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Antwon Tanner Off to Jail For ID Theft

Joe Giudice: Busted for DUI

Forget The Real Housewives of New Jersey . Meet The Real Moronic Househusband of..

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Joe Giudice: Busted for DUI