Tag Archives: nastya-karzan

Failed Robbery of the Day

Sometimes plans don’t always work out, but you have to overcome them and adapt to the obstacles life throws your way, even if that obstacle being thrown, is your retard ass out of the window of the spot you are trying to rob. Idiots.

See more here:
Failed Robbery of the Day

Anne Hathaway’s Ass in Tights of the Day

Anne Hathaway is so fat…good thing she’s jogging or hiking…or whatever she’s doing because this is Hollywood bitch and we got no time for your cellulite despite what all those cellulite ridden bitches are trying to tell you…not that you wouldn’t try to get your hands on these pants post workout to pull off her DNA so that you can clone her in your basement… That’s all I got to say about that, I used all my jokes on an aspiring actress I didn’t have sex with last night…which was almost as fun as wasting my jokes here to you bastards who don’t read anything I write. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Originally posted here:
Anne Hathaway’s Ass in Tights of the Day

Nastya Karzan Lookin’ Hot for Cake Magazine of the Day

Nastya Karzan is another Russian model, which is the theme of the day here, because I love the Russians and their insanity, as much as I love their cold, mysterious, money hungry women, some of whom have made it into real deal modelling, while most can be found jerking off on webcam the good old fashioned communist way…since communism has no real religion…and thus these girls have no real guilt…making hit a hell of a lot more fun to watch…because there’s a difference between a catholic guilt ridden catholic girl..and some robot bitch who knows there is no god…and that difference is usually that they are less fun to fuck, but more fun to jerk off to, because catholic girls, once you get them going, forget GOD exists, but getting them going requires some heavy machinery, like roofs…. Either way, this was shot by Aaron Feaver, whoever the fuck that is.

See original here:
Nastya Karzan Lookin’ Hot for Cake Magazine of the Day