The movie is called Kill Me Please. The Stéphanie Crayencour. I’m just posting it to pump some culture into your blood, any by culture I mean international titty….and sex scenes…in another language…cuz English is so fucking trashy….especially when you throw some fat American trash with guns in the mix….you see cuz when I watch international movies, I can really respond well to them, cuz I’m not polluted with hate fueled by by all the smut these Hollywood bitches have suffocated me with…..and I get to appreciate their tits without all the noise of their gossip and stupidities…It’s refreshing.
‘Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?’ is Aerosmith frontman/’Idol’ judge’s second memoir. By Gil Kaufman Steven Tyler Photo: Tony Duran / FOX Some rock-and-roll lives are so epic that they require more than one official telling. That’s clearly the case with colorful Aerosmith frontman and “American Idol” judge Steven Tyler , who is preparing to release his second memoir, “Does the Noise in My Head Bother You,” on May 3. According to the book’s publisher, HarperCollins, the long-in-the-works book promises to share “the unbridled truth, the in-your-face, up-close and prodigious tale of Steven Tyler straight from the horse’s lips … All the unexpurgated, brain-jangling tales of debauchery, sex & drugs, transcendence & chemical dependence you will ever want to hear.” Tyler (born Steven Victor Tallarico), 63, wrote about his wild life in 1997’s Aerosmith autobiography “Walk This Way,” but with his higher profile on “Idol,” now seems like the time to let his younger fans get a window into his 40-plus years of rock-and-roll high life. “I’ve been mythicized, Mick-icized, eulogized and fooligized, I’ve been Cole-Portered and farmer’s-daughtered, I’ve been Led Zepped and 12-stepped,” Tyler explains in promotional materials in his classic hoodoo jive talk about his colorful past. “I’m a rhyming fool and so cool that me, Fritz the Cat, and Mohair Sam are the baddest cats that am. I have so many outrageous stories, too many, and I’m gonna tell ’em all.” He’s added plenty of new drama since the last book, including a very public feud with his longtime bandmates , an induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, a few stage falls, a relapse, a split with his second wife and the death of his first wife, a battle with hepatitis C and throat surgery, and a triumphant return to the spotlight on “Idol.” It was unknown at press time, though, if the book will contain much material on his “Idol” gig. “Tyler tells what it’s like to be a living legend and the frontman of one of the world’s most revered and infamous bands — the debauchery, the money, the notoriety, the fights, the motels and hotels, the elevators, limos, buses and jets, the rehab,” reads the book description. “He reveals the spiritual side that ‘gets lost behind the stereotype of the Sex Guy, the Drug Guy, the Demon of Screamin’, the Terror of the Tropicana.’ And he talks about his epic romantic life and his relationship with his four children.” Are you excited for Steven Tyler’s book? Let us know in comments below. Related Photos Before Steven Tyler Was An ‘American Idol’ Judge … Related Artists Aerosmith
Photo of solar-powered mototaxi by Universidad Nactional in Lima. What’s worse about the two-stroke engines still common workhorses in motors of all kinds – the pollution or the noise? In Lima, Peru, plagued by air pollution, it’s probably the former. An ingenious professor at the University of San Marcos has designed a solar panel retrofit of the two-stroke “mototaxis” that fill the streets of the city which can run on pedal-power or a battery hooked to the solar panels…. Read the full story on TreeHugger
Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Paris Hilton , Exclusives Paris Hilton has lived with BF Doug Reinhardt a grand total of five months, and already the LAPD, the L.A. City Attorney and the L.A
After all the turtle-humping statues this weekend, this seems kind of relevant (if not brand new). Too bad “turtle sex” isn't an option on my noise machine, it's so soothing. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment
It was the ladies who were bringing the noise and the funk this week—whether they meant to or not! Between Paula Abdul, Vanessa Hudgens, Megan Fox and Kate Major, we could barely get a word…