Tag Archives: northwestern university

SMH: “Churchgoing” Electrician Coldcocks Woman Into A Coma Over A Parking Space!!!

Lana Rosas, 25, was holding a parking spot for her boyfriend between two parked cars outside 520 E. 14th St. at 11:40 p.m. last Friday when Oscar Fuller drove up in a silver minivan. A 35-year-old electrician named Oscar Fuller — whose prior busts include weapons possession and felony assault — jumped out and started screaming at Rosas when she claimed she was holding the space, police sources said. Fuller then “punched [her] in the face with so much force that the woman flew off her feet,” according to court papers. “She was on a date with the man she loves, and this horrific thing happen to her,” her mother said. The victim’s uncle, Mark Rosas, fumed, “We have idiots out here who try to take matters into their own hands . . . Animals like that need to be caged up.” A police source added, “The victim suffered permanent brain damage. It’s uncertain whether or not she will survive her injuries.” 35-year-old Fuller fled the scene, but police were able to get his license plate number and a description from witnesses. He was arrested at his home in Jamaica, Queens and later picked out of a lineup as the perpetrator of the attack. He is being charged with felony assault and is in custody at the Manhattan Detention Center on $100,000 bail. “I would never intend to physically hurt a woman,” he said in a statement through his lawyer, Thomas Kenniff. “If there is anything I could do to strengthen her recovery, I would do it.” The lawyer accused Rosas of starting the fight and insists surveillance video shows her throwing the first punch. “She hit him in the face,” Kenniff said. “My client has the injuries to prove it.” But a police source said Fuller admitted to punching a woman at the scene. Rosas’ mother was outraged he would blame her daughter. “So she was the aggressor? Really?” she asked. “She’s 4-foot-11. How is she the aggressor? “It doesn’t matter what she said to him or what he said back. He hit her twice, and he hit her hard enough to shake her brain and make it blow up.” Rosas remains at Bellevue Hospital, where doctors had opened her skull to relieve pressure on her brain. At her Clinton Avenue apartment in the Tremont section, where she lives alone, the super described Rosas as a tiny beauty who weighs about 100 pounds. Despite Fuller’s extensive arrest record dating to 1994, his lawyer and neighbors described him as a helpful family man. “He is a beautiful father of a 4-year-old son and a 10-year-old daughter,” Kenniff said. “He’s a churchgoing man.” SMH… He must have missed all the sermons about loving thy neighbor as thyself. This is just tragic. Permanent brain damage sounds like a grim prognosis — and over a damn parking space? It ain’t that serious people. We’re hoping Lana fully recovers. Source

Original post:
SMH: “Churchgoing” Electrician Coldcocks Woman Into A Coma Over A Parking Space!!!

Stay In School Kids!: Northwestern University Professor Offers Live Demonstration On The Use Of Sex Toys During Class!

Sounds like a helluva way to “educate” yourself… A Northwestern University psychology professor was in hot water Thursday for an after-class session in which a couple demonstrated the use of a sex toy. University President Morton Schapiro said he was “troubled and disappointed” by the February 21 incident and had ordered an investigation. “Many members of the Northwestern community are disturbed by what took place on our campus,” Schapiro said in a statement. “So am I.” Professor J. Michael Bailey provided his own account of the optional event in his human sexuality course, saying he wants students to learn about sexual diversity and information from “real people.” Students who witnessed the incident had been told repeatedly by a guest speaker what was about to happen would be graphic, the professor said in a statement. About 100 students chose to attend following a larger lecture, affiliate WGN said. The guest speaker at the demonstration had this to say: “We gave them plenty of warning. We had nobody leave at that point,” Melvoin-Berg told CNN Chicago affiliate WLS, adding the demonstration was meant to be educational. “We only got positive feedback, 100% positive feedback during and after. The students were respectful. They were smart and asked good questions, intelligent questions and seemed engaged in the idea of human sexuality,” Of course at least 1 student was a hater: “For me, I’m glad I didn’t see it. It was a little too explicit for me, and if I were in the class, if I would have stayed for the demonstration, I probably would have left. I know a couple of my friends did get up and leave,” student Diana Lorenzini told CNN affiliate WLS. At least one student wasn’t a f**king prude: Brianne Williams, another student, said “Dr. Michael Bailey is one of our finest professors here, and his class is about opening people’s minds up.” The school president goes on to say: “Although the incident took place in an after-class session that students were not required to attend and students were advised in advance, several times, of the explicit nature of the activity, I feel it represented extremely poor judgment on the part of our faculty member,” Schapiro said in his statement. “I simply do not believe this was appropriate, necessary or in keeping with Northwestern University’s academic mission.” These are students, but they are also grown a** people, and if they want to spend time out of class learning how to properly bust one off, then who is the University to complain? C’mon Schapiro, orgasms are good for morale… Do you think there is anything wrong with the demonstration??? Source

Here is the original post:
Stay In School Kids!: Northwestern University Professor Offers Live Demonstration On The Use Of Sex Toys During Class!