Tag Archives: not-retouched

Kate Moss is Unretouched by Peter Lindbergh of the Day

Apparently this is Kate Moss not retouched by some important photographer…I would argue that Kate Moss when you’re shot by a superstar photographer, in a studio setting, with the expensive cameras, lights and skill set he has, you don’t need to be retouched, even if you’re 100 fucking year old coke whore who has had more STDs than loads to her face which is a fucking lot… Now don’t get me wrong, I love Kate Moss, I think she’s magnificent, I would sniff her rockstar fucking ass during any of her various outbreaks thanks to negligent sex partners and the groupies they fuck behind her back… I just think she’s got it going on, even if she’s had it going on for 3 decades, in so many disgusting and hedonistic ways…beyond just a willingness to be naked…a willingness she’s not showing off in these pics, which pisses me off, because the real part of her I want to see without retouching or color correcting are her inner pussy lips…just to see the calluses and scars…but when it comes to Kate Moss….I take what I can get. To See Her at John Galliano Event b3 CLICK HERE

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Kate Moss is Unretouched by Peter Lindbergh of the Day

Britney Spears Without Autotune of the Day

There is nothing like a little unedited Britney Spears vocal track over her song “Alien”…that she went into record, because she’s not Milli Vanilli people, she does her own vocal track, just not very well.. I can’t imagine the world being shocked that she can’t sing, I mean she hasn’t done anything to prove otherwise in her 150 million records sold….all she’s ever proved is that the music industry is a scam, that anyone can be altered to sound good, and that it’s all marketing the puppet they use to deliver it… I mean, I Britney isn’t even her own person, she is corporately owned – money making machine…I just find the whole thing sad, because you know she didn’t say “I can sing”…but rather her stage mom beat her into singing because look what she became…a soulless shell of a human… But her bank account is as fat as her belly due to emotional eating… TO SEE HER OUT IN PUBLIC CLICK HERE

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Britney Spears Without Autotune of the Day

Rita Ora for Roberto Cavalli of the Day

Rita Ora is penetrating the fashion world like she’s let music producers and record labels penetrate her…all in efforts to be the next Rihanna… Something that could have happened, had Rihanna really fallen off into a world of crazy, but didn’t happen because Rihanna still makes the label a ton of money and they don’t really need to market her stand-in…or shadow…so her shadow..just wonders the VIP events, making friends, showing off tits, and hoping someday something hits and she has those hits she dreams of… In the meantime, she’s showing off her big tits for Roberto Cavalli…just not quite enough because I can’t see her nipples… Here’s the video:

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Rita Ora for Roberto Cavalli of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens Instagram Bikini Top of the Day

Apparently, when Vanessa Hudgens posts a fourth of July pic…no one notices… It’s like the only thing that works for this one is nude selfies, before nude selfies were really a thing. She was an innovator, who paved the way for nude selfies before selfie was even in the dictionary… But for some reason, she fell off course, she didn’t embrace being one of the first at it, and instead got boring as fuck… It’s like when someone is good at something, they get bored of that thing, and instead do other things they fail at…like these bikini selfies… When it comes to Vanessa Hudgens…I need bush. Here’s one of her instagram videos…that seems normal… The rumor is that Vanessa Hudgens is 100% not retouched for this BONGO Campaign….She just has 1000 dollar a day make-up artist applied hair and make-up… TO SEE HER IN PAPARAZZI PICS IN SHORTS BENDING OVER CLICK HERE

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Vanessa Hudgens Instagram Bikini Top of the Day

Throwback Thursday Cindy Crawford Naked in W Magazine of the DAy

It’s Thursday, and along with my hatred of people wishing me a “Happy THursday”…I also hate seeing people’s archival footage of their shitty fucking lives on social media, with a little #TBT tag…it’s like I hardly give a fuck about you today, just keep posting butt shots, I don’t need to see you being cute on a Disney vacation with your shitty, chocolate smeared face, half retarded brother… But when Throwbacks involve tighter ass, nipples, ass, supermodels naked in bed just last year for a W Magazine Shoot they probably didn’t want to ever leak since there is nipple and she’s not retouched and looks her age…but still looks better than anything you’ve ever fucked…I totally support.. I am a hypocrite like that…here are the pics.

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Throwback Thursday Cindy Crawford Naked in W Magazine of the DAy