Tag Archives: not-spending

Bella Hadid Nipple Toplessness cuz She’s a Fashion Model of The Day

Bella Hadid is topless in a photoshoot because she’s an actual model, not just a rich kid who has bought her way into celebrity with PR efforts from her rich family, because everyone wants to be the most relevant and most famous, at least people in Hollywood. It’s what they fucking live for… Now, clearly these Mario Sorrenti, fashion photographer pics are because he sees her as a model, and not like he’s been hired by a rich family to shoot a bar mitzvah or sweet sixteen, but I think that the general public knows exactly what this is about…a scam. But it includes nipples and we like nipples so whatever.. The post Bella Hadid Nipple Toplessness cuz She’s a Fashion Model of The Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Hadid Nipple Toplessness cuz She’s a Fashion Model of The Day

stepGIRLS vs Thick Ass Glass Snapchat Takoever of the Day

It’s still 420, and if you’re not spending you’re day laying in bed, or on the fucking floor, or in a park, with at least one girl getting high all day…well, you’re a lot like me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate it, or think it’s a wonderful thing, for a community of smokers to get high all day and fuck the way the good life is meant to be… Fuck work, fuck the system, fuck it all…motherfuckers…and do it with some amazing Glassware….like your granny always told you…bust out the best China for any celebration… So if you’re gonna smoke, you gotta do it right and get up on one of these amazing pipes from THICK ASS GLASS … They are amazing, to watch a girl play with, or to smoke with….get yours now, tell them Jesus sent you CLICK HERE The post stepGIRLS vs Thick Ass Glass Snapchat Takoever of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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stepGIRLS vs Thick Ass Glass Snapchat Takoever of the Day

Gigi Hadid Cleavage at Some Event of the Day

Gigi Hadid has cleavage…as do most girls who aren’t breast cancer survivors…or 8..now that girls go through puberty at 11. She is only 18 or 19 – so you are a pervert for liking these tits, but you’re not nearly as big of a pervert as family friend Paul Marciano – from Guess? fame – who cast her in his campaigns when she was just a little girl…because her gold digging fame whore mother wanted her working – and her dad was too busy creeping on young hot girls to fuck behind the mom’s back – that he figured this would keep them all busy when not spending his ridiculous amounts of money.. Some rich girls want ponies, others want to be in Sports Illustrated, when your dad is over the dop enough – I guess anything happens…and here are her young tits. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Gigi Hadid Cleavage at Some Event of the Day