Tag Archives: often-because

Liz Hurley’s Sprawled Out of the Day

Liz Hurley calls this picture “roofied”…. I know her caption was “school’s out”, but I am clever enough to understand her reference, simile, metaphor, I didn’t go to college and don’t know anything about the english language, but school’s out to me, when seeing a girl all done up, eyes half shut despite all her face injections, tits out, and skirt hiked up while on a chesterfield…which is a couch to fancy people…I know…she’s saying “I’m blasted, so far gone, in the teacher’s office trying to get an A, or at a frat Keg party ready to take the team”…. Because if there’s one thing I know about Liz Hurley, besides her being a hot bodied old lady who was once in Austin Powers….a movie I tend to forget exists…thankfully…It’s that she’s a money grubber, cock rider, wallet fucking, model who mooched off men to get wherever it is she got…because TITS don’t get you there alone..they take strategy…as all women have tits…and that strategy is “Kick back, close your eyes and let thing happen, so that you can turn around and ask for handouts, movie roles, etc”… That’s about all I have to say about that…. The post Liz Hurley’s Sprawled Out of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Liz Hurley’s Sprawled Out of the Day

Madison Beer Ass in Shorts of the Day

Madison Beer is some young, whored out by her mom to do the fame game, rocking slutty pics on social media to get the attention of Beiber…getting signed…making her relevant with her tits…and I guess allowing her to walk around dressed like every single young girl I see walking around….with her ass hanging out of her shorts…pretty exciting stuff…if you’re a pervert into seeing young ass…hanging out of shorts…cuz you don’t get enough of it leaving your house…because I don’t know about, I just know about me, and that is that I barely leave my couch and when I do…all I see is ass cheek every fucking where… I like it….but not enough to inspire me to leave my couch more often because it’s not like I get to fuck it…just a tease…that’s not a tease…don’t sexualize the half naked woman…don’t look at her like something to cum on…realize her ass is out to spread fecal matter on benches and chairs as well as to empower her existence…as a woman experience…crazy I know… The post Madison Beer Ass in Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Here is the original post:
Madison Beer Ass in Shorts of the Day

Kylie Jenner Says Blac Chyna Needs To Respect Her Position With Tyga

Kylie Jenner Wants Blac Chyna To Back Off Tyga Despite throwing Insta-shots at Tyga’s ex-fiancee over a watch he bought them both, Kylie Jenner swears that she doesn’t want problems with Blac Chyna. But at the same token…she really wants her to ease up off her man. As a source told HollywoodLife : “She’s not trying to develop anything with Tyga’s exes. She has nothing against [Blac Chyna] either. All Kylie wants her to do is to respect the boundaries between her and Tyga and everything will run smoothly. The source says that Kylie isn’t at all shaken by Chyna’s presence in Tyga’s life since she knows exactly where she stands with Tyga — she just wants Chyna to face facts and recognize his current situation. “She knows that Blac Chyna and Tyga will have to cross paths often because of their son, but other than that, Tyga’s made Kylie very aware that his heart belongs to her. Kylie is not at all threatened or intimidated by Blac Chyna. Kylie doesn’t know why Blac Chyna would post a picture of the watch Tyga gave her years ago, but whatever her reasons are, Kylie wants her to know exactly what time it is and that she needs to fall back when it comes to Tyga.” Please remember…Kylie is still only 17. She should be focusing on passing her midterms right about now…not trying to stand her ground and demand respect from her grown-azz boyfriend’s baby mama. SMH.

See original here:
Kylie Jenner Says Blac Chyna Needs To Respect Her Position With Tyga

Why Kristen Stewart fears teenage girls

TWILIGHT actress Kristen says that she can’t be outside very often because of fans.

Why Kristen Stewart fears teenage girls

Gisele Bundchen’s Brazilian Mom Boobs

I didn’t know if I should even post these pictures of supermodel Gisele Bundchen walking around in her lame workout outfit, but I like supermodels, so why the hell not. Besides, a supermodel in the wild in spandex shouldn’t be ignored, at least not by the Tuna. Not to mention the fact that her new Brazilian mom boobs look pretty good spilling out of her top. Enjoy.

Jennifer Lopez’s Hot French Sexy Boots

Alright, I know I don’t post many pictures of Jennifer Lopez all that often because she’s married to that weird looking latin guy and she’s got a couple of piss pants running around the house and to be honest I think everyone’s lost interest in her. That being said, she looks pretty damn awesome in these trampy bitch boots of hers in Paris while promoting her latest terrible movie. Je pense qu’elle est tres jolie et…. Even in French you know where I’m going with this.