Tag Archives: other-serious

Vincent Gallo Skips Toronto, Cites ‘Shortcomings of the Press’

Maybe that headline is being a tad reductive about the actor/filmmaker’s absence from both the Venice and Toronto film festivals, but if Gallo is going to scornfully hypergeneralize about me and my peers, we might as well get our money’s worth. Especially when his most amusing public statement to date is hiding in plain sight for all to see.

See the rest here:
Vincent Gallo Skips Toronto, Cites ‘Shortcomings of the Press’

Only 21 Lost Fans Survive Four-Day Marathon

Congratulations to the 21 hardcore Lost fans who risked blood clots and other serious health and boredom-related complications to sit through all 121 episodes at the Prince Charles Cinema in Leicester Square this week. And to the 80 or so fans who dropped out over the four-day marathon event — in spite of paramedics on hand — better luck next time. The Sun reported last month that the first 280 fans would be allowed to participate in the London event. BBC News notes that only a hundred or so Londoners actually showed up to attempt setting the world record — for longest continuous cinema sitting. [ BBC ]

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Only 21 Lost Fans Survive Four-Day Marathon

The 90210 Trash in Their Bikinis of the Day

It is thanksgiving today and I give thanks that 90210 will be soon be off the air, these girls will be out of work, desperate and turning to seedier roles and until that happens, 90210 will do all they can to get viewers including throwing the cast into bikinis, giving us a taste of what’s to come…. Here is Annalynne McCord and Jessica Lowndes in the Bikins… Jessica Stroup One Piece Shenae Grimes Sex Scene Shenae Grimes Bikini Top….


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The 90210 Trash in Their Bikinis of the Day

Kate Moss Showing Off Her Dirty Herpes Panties of the Day

It is Thanksgiving today and I give thanks that Kate Moss is a fucking mess, because in being a mess, we get to see her topless or flashing panties or pussy. She’s a drunk or an addict and she doesn’t shower.

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Kate Moss Showing Off Her Dirty Herpes Panties of the Day