Tag Archives: our-misspent

The Real Winner of the Golden Globes: Bedhead

The jury is still out on whether Ricky Gervais conquered last night’s monologue or if Glee deserved to win Best Comedy Series, but there was one group that unquestionably swept last night’s 68th Annual Golden Globes: Bedheaded celebrities. Take a look at some of the most (expertly) tousled tresses that traveled in limos to the Beverly Hilton last night and then please, let me know: Are Hollywood hair stylists on strike? Thanks.

Read this article:
The Real Winner of the Golden Globes: Bedhead

A Brief History of the Word ‘F*ck’ on Saturday Night Live

This past weekend, Cee Lo Green, riding high on his hit song “F*ck You,” was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live . His appearance resulted in a sketch in which music executives contemplated how to promote his song with such a glaring expletive in the title, which was really a riff on SNL itself contemplating how to let Cee Lo Green sing his ever-popular ditty on live television. The word was danced around this past Saturday, but never uttered. But! During the long history of SNL , that word has made it out to the live audience on more than one occasion. Here’s a brief glimpse at the cast’s strange relationship with the F-word.

See the rest here:
A Brief History of the Word ‘F*ck’ on Saturday Night Live

Has Ricky Gervais Officially Doomed Us for the Safest Oscars Ever?

Now you’ve done it, celebrities. You’re pretending that Ricky Gervais’s zingers were anything but expected at Sunday’s Golden Globes, and now he’s never coming back. You malnourished spazzes! Would you prefer he can-can in front of a Best Picture montage like Billy Crystal? Wear Pleasantville costumes and flash Oda Mae side-eyes like Whoopi Goldberg? Jesus. Now we’re screwed for the awards show we actually care about: The Oscars.

Read this article:
Has Ricky Gervais Officially Doomed Us for the Safest Oscars Ever?

Last Summer’s Mortal Kombat Viral Spec to Become 2011 Web Series

Sadly, the world will have to wait a while longer to see the big-screen return of Mortal Kombat , the totally ’90s martial arts fantasy video game — film franchise that had us all screaming “Finish him!” and dancing to that horrifically infectious, Immortals-penned techno theme (“Mooooortal Kombat!”) in our misspent youths. But something good did come of that impressive proof of concept short that made the rounds last summer: Warner Bros. ordered a 10-episode Web series based on Kevin Tancharoen’s slick short Mortal Kombat: Rebirth .

Excerpt from:
Last Summer’s Mortal Kombat Viral Spec to Become 2011 Web Series