Tag Archives: our-priorities

Taylor Momsen’s Intensity of the Day

I think the best way to start my day at :30 is to see Taylor Momsen exasperated, exhausted, destroyed, topless, after one of her shows…because that’s just the intensity she brings to rock and roll…. She’s no candy coated, voice of “where are you christmas” from the Grinch who Stole Christmas like her parents stole her youth, or maybe gifted her with a career, because she can channel that angst into her shitty rock and roll…”art”.. She’s like a fucking Garth Brooks concert, bitch runs everywhere, or just another lazy coddled rich kid, tired cuz she had to get up and perform to keep that money coming in…. The energy so raw…so real…so contrived…where are the tits? Remember she was a girl who broke free from her bullshit celebrity – wearing lingerie in concerts…what is this bullshit…it’s just that…bullshit… GIVE ME MORE. We live in a world where everyone are sluts. Deliver. The post Taylor Momsen’s Intensity of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Momsen’s Intensity of the Day

Carmella Rose Instagram Shoot of the Day

You’ve never heard of Carmella Rose – yet she has 1.1 million followers on instagram, so you can be sure that she thinks she matter and that she’s important.. You see I have never met a girl with social media following – who isn’t a cunt about it – because they don’t view it as a joke, but as a gift, the only thing they really have going for them, the reason rich guys fuck them, the reason they get to live a great life, and if they were to laugh at the whole thing, because it is funny in the grand scheme of things…”i post slutty pics, follow me”….real simple concept or thing to do…that doesn’t require marketing degree to figure out….it’s the whole “sex sells shit”…the same shit girls fight about when I organize a wet t-shirt contest…but embrace when it makes them money…as it should…if you’re whoring at least get paid for it…. But then there’s the thousands of girls who don’t… I just think our priorities are fucked…but half naked bitches…works for me whether it is progressive or low hanging fruit or not… The post Carmella Rose Instagram Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Carmella Rose Instagram Shoot of the Day

Lana Del Lips Fucking Sucks of the Day

Here’s lie of a celebrity/talent/artist…whoc is totally fabricated for the internet getting swarmed by fans outside Kimmel…cuz people love meeting people other people seemingly care about…without trying to figure out whether they care about them or not…. I accidentally saw Lana Del Lip on Jimmy Kimmel and it turns out that she fucking sucks….here’s the clip… What was a heavily produced studio song that got her 100,000,000 views on Youtube and that made the media think she was relevant…without actually evaluating her actual talent….does not translate to live performances…she’s fucking boring…she’s practically talking and struggling with it…. That numb fake lip needs to be where it belongs…getting slammed by black cock in porn… Too bad her dad’s rich and fucking up the natural course she should be taking… No I’m not getting paid to talk about her, but Kimmel should be paying me for promoting his show….I’m just fascinated people don’t see how shit she is….seriously shittier than the shit they put in her lip…but at least she’s trying…just not nearly naked enough…

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Lana Del Lips Fucking Sucks of the Day

Kate Upton is the SI Swimsuit Covergirl of the Day

Obviously…. I saw this leaked last night and didn’t care…probably cuz I could have called this last year….or possibly cuz it is totally uninteresting…. She’s 19, she’s got huge tits, she’s at the top of her game, her metabolism hasn’t slowed down yet…her ass hasn’t caught up to her tits…guys everywhere love her…especially bros….she’s been marketed proper and that’s more than I can say for most 19 year old with DD tits…it usually takes them til their early 20s to actually get to this point… I think her face is retarded, her body awkward and sloppy…definitely not toned…just teenaged….and I’m sure she doesn’t have a great ass I can chip a tooth on….but I also think she’s the right all american choice…. Now I think it is time for her to pose nude…..and fuck on camera….before it is too late….. Here are some of her photoshopped pictures: Here is the video: Here is the whole SI 2012 Swimsuit Section that they will be milking the next year cuz it is the only issue that makes them money ….too bad it’s not 1989….before the internet when this kind of shit allowed me to masturbate…I’m not about to spend my day ripping off their pics and uploading the shit only to be asked to take them down….so visit SI …. Here’s the paparazzi congratulating her like this matters…like it is an accomplishment…what a fucking joke…our priorities are fucked…….I mean other than they great huge tit part…

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Kate Upton is the SI Swimsuit Covergirl of the Day

Growing Pains: Lessons In Getting Grown

When you were a kid, did you ever complain to your mother that your arms and legs hurt for no apparent reason and her response was always “It’s growing pains!”. Although painful, you secretly suffered with excitement that you were growing up and changing into a woman. While these physical changes may have occurred during our puberty years, there are still some ‘growing pains’ taking place well into our adult life. These changes may not be as easily felt and obvious as physical ones, but they certainly make a difference and change who we are. As we mature there are a few things that inevitably grow and change right along with us. Mainly our priorities, wants and needs, friendships, patience, opinions, schedules, dress sizes and etc…. hit the top of the change list. These life factors are just a few of the ‘pains’ we must endure as we juggle our other life ailments and complications all the while trying to make sense of what is happening to us. Even though I could probably create a laundry list full of changes that occur as we become grown women, I will share with you the top five for now… Click Here To Read The Rest At MadameNoire.com

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Growing Pains: Lessons In Getting Grown