Tag Archives: naked-bitches

Carmella Rose Instagram Shoot of the Day

You’ve never heard of Carmella Rose – yet she has 1.1 million followers on instagram, so you can be sure that she thinks she matter and that she’s important.. You see I have never met a girl with social media following – who isn’t a cunt about it – because they don’t view it as a joke, but as a gift, the only thing they really have going for them, the reason rich guys fuck them, the reason they get to live a great life, and if they were to laugh at the whole thing, because it is funny in the grand scheme of things…”i post slutty pics, follow me”….real simple concept or thing to do…that doesn’t require marketing degree to figure out….it’s the whole “sex sells shit”…the same shit girls fight about when I organize a wet t-shirt contest…but embrace when it makes them money…as it should…if you’re whoring at least get paid for it…. But then there’s the thousands of girls who don’t… I just think our priorities are fucked…but half naked bitches…works for me whether it is progressive or low hanging fruit or not… The post Carmella Rose Instagram Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Carmella Rose Instagram Shoot of the Day

Heidi Klum in March 2012 InStyle UK of the Day

These are rumored to be some no make-up, pre-divorce from the scarred up big penis black man SEAL she has been raising and developing her own tribe with, possibly in efforts to build her own breed of human cuz she’s just that rockin’ genetically……in March 2012 Instyle…and despite being a mom of a dozen in her 40s….she’s still got it going on to me…but then again I just love divorcees…all eager to get fit and fuck as many cocks as possible as dirty as possible to feel alive again….something I love getting in the way of…especially if dude left bitch for a younger woman..shit is on….

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Heidi Klum in March 2012 InStyle UK of the Day

Selena Gomez Sex Offender Legs Promoting Som Shit of the Day

Unlike the horny old bitch down the hall from me with the unhealthy Justin Bieber obsession….I’m not looking forward to his 18th birthday…cuz that will mean I can’t make Selena Gomez sex offender jokes and that’s all I have going for me..even though I know this “relationship” is one staged for the media….I still like the idea of some older twat looking for more fame riding some underage dude with insane levels of fame for exposure…mainly cuz it is illegal….but also cuz sex offenders are hilarious…even when they never get charged cuz they are all Hollywood…. Here are her little pervert legs I’d want to be warned about if she moved in my community…..mainly so that I could plot how I was gonna sex offend her….and not so much so that I could lock my kids up from her….if you know what I mean…

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Selena Gomez Sex Offender Legs Promoting Som Shit of the Day

Adriana Lima’s Bikini Photoshoot Continues of the Day

You know what I just realized….I can stare at a picture of a bikini model in a bikini for at least an hour….in fact I can stare at a picture of any girl…thick or thin, black or white, asian or hispanic, handicapped or retarded, disabled or athletic….middle aged or late teens…mom or infertile…pregnant or recently miscarried…in a bikini for at least an hour…I like half naked bitches…it’s unforunate that they aren’t always around me and that I have to resort to the internet to make this shit happen…it’s unfortuante that there’s no 9-5 job that involves me staring at bitches in bikinis….but I guess it makes for a pretty pathetic and unrewarding hobby…and since I’m great at pathetic and unrewarding….it works for me… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Adriana Lima’s Bikini Photoshoot Continues of the Day

Victoria’s Secret Swim 2012 Cock Tease Video of the Day

Why do these fuckers at Victoria’s Secret gotta fuck with me like this…they got me by the fucking balls fuck…I hate their corporate monster ways…I hate endorsing their campaigns for free…all because there are hot bitches in bikinis seducing me….it’s such an easy marketing hustle…get hot pussy, make them celebs so people care about them, get them half naked often so people keep talking about them…and it makes me hate myself as much as I like looking at the half naked bitches… So here’s Some teaser….half a million people have already seen… Here’s Some Candice….straight from South Africa reminding us to cum in africa but never let africa cum in you…..HIV rules of wisdom…

Victoria’s Secret Swim 2012 Cock Tease Video of the Day

Some Bitch Named Jill Martin in Her Bikini of the Day

Her name is Jill Martin. She’s 35. She’s a contributor on the Today Show. She was on Good Morning America. She is a reporter for the New York Knicks. She is a writer. But to me she’s a fucking nobody in a bikini that I am only posting because the paprazzi took pics of her in a bikini and I’m addicted to posting pictures taken by useless paparazzi immigrant trash who are tipped off or hired by the person in the pictures in the first place…in efforts to get some attention in the media….you know to celebrate her ass she works so hard on all year for this moment of bikini pictures ont he internet greatness that’s not so great at all…if anything it is depressing that I’m part of this.

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Some Bitch Named Jill Martin in Her Bikini of the Day

Claudia Galanti is Still Milking her Bikini of the Day

Does it really matter that this Paraguay model is still in her bikini….weeks after the first set of pics of her in a bikini surfaced…loving the attention so much she extended her vacation….and decided to crawl around on all fours for effect….I don’t know I kinda like her strategy to get noticed…more girls in everyday life should be this obvious and half naked…it would make going to the store to use my food stamps far more fucking exhilerating…while now it just remains depressing, cold, lonely and without half naked bitches screaming “Look at me….Look at me”….someone needs to give this twat a nobel peace prize cuz she’s found the cure to all things miserable…attention seeking sluts….they solve everything….

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Claudia Galanti is Still Milking her Bikini of the Day

Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Is Tonight Night and I wasn’t Invited of the Day

After all the posts I’ve done on these Victoria’s Secret bitches, over the last 7 years or running the site, giving them press, even though I know these half naked bitches are marketing campaigns to them, far more interactive than the ad above the urinal at the bar, because they are living, breathing, hot bitches who are half naked….. You’d think I’d get a fucking invite to their bullshit fashion show, to give you exclusives, to hang out back stage, to masturbate on their outfits while sniffing the sweaty panties, to attempting to lure one of the models into marriage… But instead I get nothing….but at I can steal shit off twitter….so here’s some back stage footage, not naked enough, but enough to remind you that you’ll be watching that hour of primetime shopping channel on network television no one cares to notice is strictly commercial, cuz there are half naked bitches there distracting…Making me one of the only dudes who hates the shit, I find it cheesy and boring, repetitive and not inspiring and half naked bitches or not it is not nearly perverted enough for me, it is just bullshit marketing scam that middle america buys into…cuz it’s better than watching Everybody Loves Raymond re-runs. Here’s Doutzen and Ambrosio being puppets for lots of money…not nearly half naked enough and I’m sure I’ll have the actual pics of the event tomorrow. So Ya’ll come Back Now…

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Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Is Tonight Night and I wasn’t Invited of the Day

Sara Jean Underwood for the Nerds of the Day

Here’s Sarah Jean Underwood is a marketing scam, targeted at nerds and virgins, knowing she has a partially seedy nude past…coupled with her Ryan Seacrest training, gives her the perfect level of slut who knows what pathetic people want…and you know what…when a marketing scam involves a bitch getting half naked for attention or to get noticed…even if she’s already been naked and can be seen naked…I’m still into it…even if I know just how bullshit it…cuz I like half naked bitches…especially when I can cross reference their VAGAINA PICS Video… Pics….

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Sara Jean Underwood for the Nerds of the Day

Summer Glau’s FHM Video of the Day

Summer Glau did FHM in April so it is only natural that I’d be posting her FHM video 5 months after the fact because a fan emailed it into me and I saw it on other sites and felt pressure to put it up cuz half naked bitches are a timeless thing…even if you have no idea who they are….you know like diamonds, they are forever….with no timeline as long as it is capturede on film….cuz I know first hand that I can jerk off to vintage porn starring bitches who are likely dead now as well as I can jerk off to new porn….which unfortunately for me isn’t that well dude to impotence, hard living and an inability to get off to porn cuz I’m desensitized, but you get what I’m saying….

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Summer Glau’s FHM Video of the Day