Tag Archives: guess-it-makes

Shay Mitchell in a Slutty Bathing Suit for Relevance of the Day

Shay Mitchell is some Canadian rich kid, possibly have Indian, dot not feather, roots, who was raised rich in the rich area of West Vancouver, where a girl I know knew her or her brother and said she was a cunt and I’ll believe that because I know Canadians, I am Canadian, and the second a Canadian makes it in America after being in Degrassi, they end up thinking they are bigger and better than Canada… So there’s no hanging out and seeing any Shay Mitchell titties at our Canada wide Canada party where all 1000 Canadians get together in an Igloo to fuck and make more Canadians…she’s too good for that.. Especailly now that she’s on a hit show, or what was a hit show, with her 18 million followers that she cleverly figure out she could monetize, by creating her own brand, releasing her own series of teen novels, producing her own videos, doing her own “influencer” traveling series on youtube where the real money is at…called Shaycation and now she’s posting racy pics to social media to keep them hits up because all these girls are just attention seekers, some are just smarter and cash in when they can and you can’t really hate that…but I can hate how much I know about Shay Mitchell, when really I’ve never seen anything she does…I blame her being the only famous girl besides Celine and Drake from Canada….so that I get the inside scoop when really I just want to stare at her 30 year old, too old to play a teen, fit ass…. Here she is working out slutty… Here she is jumping on the bed… The post Shay Mitchell in a Slutty Bathing Suit for Relevance of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Shay Mitchell in a Slutty Bathing Suit for Relevance of the Day

Slutty Bieber Fucking Instagram Hooker of the Day

Chantal Jeffries is some jacked up faced, Kardashian looking, social media hooker who I think got famous because she was in the car with Bieber when he got caught speeding in the Lamborghini, but I can’t be too sure, it’s so hard to differentiate these not famous, barely relevant, but well followed, jacked up faces on social media…they all look like the same clown…. Apparently, she’s a DJ, which is as much of a joke as her being a model, this is the era of anyone can be a DJ because the audience is too dumb to know what is quality….but I guess it makes sense since she needs an angel to make her banging black rappers and athletes and money feel like less prositution….clever…or basic…she’s still flashing panties and I dig that….because if you’re going to look like a whore and pretty much be a whore, let me watch from the sidelines, give me a taste of what I could never afford, or really don’t think it’s worth the price it’s charging… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Slutty Bieber Fucking Instagram Hooker of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Slutty Bieber Fucking Instagram Hooker of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Leather Pants of the DAy

Some women, like Lohan, are rotting from the inside out – in terms of relevancy, spirit and genitals…so squeezing into unbreathable pants…is just crazy…but crazy is what she is…it is all she knows…it is all she’s ever known…so I guess it makes sense…it feels like home. It’s the only thing that’s real…it’s true to herself, it’s authentic in this world of everything being contrived, fake, strategic to get ahead bullshit…which based on her filled up face…and overall attitude towards real global issues…her crazy being real…is the only thing being real..the rest of her is just jacked the fuck up…but I’d still like to cum on it…just to see her trying to close her eyes – while her botox face muscles don’t let her…. I guess the point of this post is to say…I’d love to smell whatever those unbreathable pants baked for dinner…..while she was wearing them…. HOT TO ME…isn’t necessarily hot to anyone else in this terribly sad world… TO SEE MORE – CLICK HERE The post Lindsay Lohan Leather Pants of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lindsay Lohan Leather Pants of the DAy

Kylie Jenner Posts Butt Shots of the Day

Kylie Jenner is freshly 18, yet her ass totally looks like a mid-20s instagram whore…who gets ass injections…to make herself more appealing at the Vegas pool parties…and clubs… We call it doing the Kim Kardashian, only those trashy instagram models, aspiring to be Kim Kardashian, have probably spent more time with Kim Kardashian than Kylie. I went to this the other day, the family is too big and self absorbed, that conversation is probably awkward and weird…especially since the mom is trying to turn this one into the new Kim…in body and shade of skin, as being the beige girl who fucks black guys has done amazing for them…they tried it with OJ’s daughter, Khloe Kardashian, but it didn’t work, because everyone assumed she was a the tranny in the family… Either way, she’s out there with this hip hop video vixen instagram model bootleg, but rich as fuck, body…and persona…so I guess it makes total sense that she’d facetune some booty pics for her FANS… I am glad the world is more flimsy than they used to be, less loyal, it gives me hope that there will be a move away from all this evil… Our fickle taste….should take us off instagram, facebook, and the Kardashians… It probably won’t happen, but in the meantime, Kylie and her plastic surgery have a roundish butt…good times… Here’s a video of Kylie… The post Kylie Jenner Posts Butt Shots of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kylie Jenner Posts Butt Shots of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski in Lingerie for Nasty Gal of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski is famous now..but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take time to stare at her tits…it’s like when a girl you used to fuck had only been with a few dudes when you got her….you know like when you ate her out you felt that she was a pure and elegant angel…barely tarnished like so many other girls…because she was the road least travelled…only to have her cheat on you, turn into a slut and fuck the fucking world…we’re talking hundreds of dudes…most of which were unprotected…all up inside her…then one day she hits you up, tells you she misses you and wants to re-connect…but knowing she’s a dirty whore…you just ask for a spread pussy pic, jerk off to her, and call it a day… I guess that’s where my romance with Emrata is at now… From connected at the soul, singing romantic songs for he and writing diary entries about the day we will meet…to totally uninterested cuz she’s played out and I hate that fucking song, but I still thinks she’s good to stare at… All romances come to an end….but pictures are still good enough for me….

Originally posted here:
Emily Ratajkowski in Lingerie for Nasty Gal of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski in Lingerie for Nasty Gal of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski is famous now..but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take time to stare at her tits…it’s like when a girl you used to fuck had only been with a few dudes when you got her….you know like when you ate her out you felt that she was a pure and elegant angel…barely tarnished like so many other girls…because she was the road least travelled…only to have her cheat on you, turn into a slut and fuck the fucking world…we’re talking hundreds of dudes…most of which were unprotected…all up inside her…then one day she hits you up, tells you she misses you and wants to re-connect…but knowing she’s a dirty whore…you just ask for a spread pussy pic, jerk off to her, and call it a day… I guess that’s where my romance with Emrata is at now… From connected at the soul, singing romantic songs for he and writing diary entries about the day we will meet…to totally uninterested cuz she’s played out and I hate that fucking song, but I still thinks she’s good to stare at… All romances come to an end….but pictures are still good enough for me….

Originally posted here:
Emily Ratajkowski in Lingerie for Nasty Gal of the Day

Rihanna Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Rihanna goes in hard with her “GUN” Grill…so everyone knows just how hood she is…and I guess unlike other people, she was actually born and raised in a Shanty, and theoretically has what it takes to be some ghetto gang banger, but Barbados is some British colony, and guns aren’t really legal there, and she was a millionaire by 19, you know after selling her soul to the illuminati, and now she’s just richer than god, running shit, so any gun related shit, is clearly just for effect, and not actually representative of anything gangster about her uneducated ass… What really matters in these pictures she’s self produced and published because she’s so indy when it comes to sexting…her millions of fans who she feel obligated to be a sex object to…I guess it makes her feel better about herself now that men see her as a tattle tale who will tell on them if sex gets a little rough…you know redeeming herself as broken girls do…or maybe she just likes showing off her ass in a bikini…whatever the reason…it’s a win to me…

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Rihanna Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Rihanna Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Rihanna goes in hard with her “GUN” Grill…so everyone knows just how hood she is…and I guess unlike other people, she was actually born and raised in a Shanty, and theoretically has what it takes to be some ghetto gang banger, but Barbados is some British colony, and guns aren’t really legal there, and she was a millionaire by 19, you know after selling her soul to the illuminati, and now she’s just richer than god, running shit, so any gun related shit, is clearly just for effect, and not actually representative of anything gangster about her uneducated ass… What really matters in these pictures she’s self produced and published because she’s so indy when it comes to sexting…her millions of fans who she feel obligated to be a sex object to…I guess it makes her feel better about herself now that men see her as a tattle tale who will tell on them if sex gets a little rough…you know redeeming herself as broken girls do…or maybe she just likes showing off her ass in a bikini…whatever the reason…it’s a win to me…

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Rihanna Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Lindsay Lohan’s Smart Hair Move of the Day

Here’s some obnoxious fake British accent making some commentary on some pictures I am not allowed to post, complete with obnoxious jokes, unfounded assumptions, overall low quality coverage….but luckily, with the help of the mute button, I am capable of focusing on the core of what really matters here and that is that Lohan is going to win a fucking Oscar….all you idiots just keep trying to bring her down…laugh at her cuz you would rather do that than focus on your own shitty lives staying in on a Saturday night to watch her….while she’s not staying in to watch you…if you know what I mean…and that is that she’s a fucking superstar and I want to get her pregnant at least now I do as her cheeks swelling goes down and her shitty whore hair gets a little more normal…. This is my Leave Lohan alone post like I was that tranny Chris Cocker and she was Britney. She’s only 25 motherfuckers. I don’t even remember being 25. I was a fucking mess and look at me now….running the internet in my own delusions…. Give her a fucking break. She’s hot. More importantly…she’s Lindsay fucking Lohan…

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Lindsay Lohan’s Smart Hair Move of the Day

Valerija Kelava & Chloe Memisevic Horse Themed Fetish Pics for Fashion of the Day

I don’t really get the whole Horse Fetish, Equuis Erotica or whatever the fuck the fetish is called, because horses just aren’t part of our daily lives, sure in a time before cars, when all the rich folk had to ride their horses to town, developing lasting relationships with them, all while being around their massive, majestic genitals, I can see this kind of weirdness forming….but in this generation…there’s no real reason for it… Sure. I am all for horse hair tail butt plugs and I have been for a long time….and I don’t mind some leather, harnesses or even a saddle…but it still only really makes sense to me when it is starring two models showing their tit for a fashion shoot…. Titties for Fashion!!!!

Continued here:
Valerija Kelava & Chloe Memisevic Horse Themed Fetish Pics for Fashion of the Day