Tag Archives: paid-thousands

Nina Agdal Boring Bikini Catalog Pics of the Day

Sometimes I wonder where my life went wrong when posting catalog pics of some SI Swimsuit model getting paid thousands of dollars to get into swimsuits for some swimsuit brand because they figure if they book her, next year’s cover girl, now while she’s affordable…people everywhere will be posting and talking about their brand like they are Victoria’s Secret. Unfortunately, I don’t remember what the name of the brand is, not that it really matters, because the objective here is to look at Nina Agdal’s body while appreciating that she doesn’t look as DOWNS as she normally does. I guess she’s been working on making less retard lookin’ facial expressions…or maybe, just maybe her body is good enough for me to ignore…. Who cares.

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Nina Agdal Boring Bikini Catalog Pics of the Day