Tag Archives: brand-because

Vita Sidorkina Surfer Babe Who Doesn’t Surf for Vogue Magazine of the Day

I hate Victoria’s Secret…I think their styling, their photography, their use of these amazing fucking girls, is dated as fuck…they are trying so hard to be relevant…they hire hit instagram phototgrahers…. THE ONLY good thing about them is that pussy is eager to participate with the brand because they pay well, and they have created this exclusive army of pussy that I call the pussy army, but that they call their angels, and because it’s exclusive, other pussy that is still substantial pussy, but doesn’t have that stamp of approval, wants nothing more than to be pussy in the Victoria’s secret pussy army, because it has pussy ego and feels like it is star pussy….so they spend their lives feeling inadequate hoping maybe one day they will be one of the 20 pussies in that pussy army… but I love Vita Sidorkina…who I have never heard of before today…but who looks great half naked…I may be in love… The post Vita Sidorkina Surfer Babe Who Doesn’t Surf for Vogue Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Vita Sidorkina Surfer Babe Who Doesn’t Surf for Vogue Magazine of the Day

Ellie Goulding Side Tit of the Day

Ellie Goulding looks like Kesha, or Ke$ha, depending how big of an asshole you are…because I guess they are the same fucking person…who make shitty pop songs that idiots eat up thanks to aggressive marketing campaigns from aggressive record labels who virtually own them…because that’s how the record industry works now…find some ambitious little twat, give her a salary, make her a star, and rape her earnings until the contract is up…which makes sense to me…I mean all these idiots are interchangeable.. All that to say…here are her tits…from the side…working on being famous…which is probably better than any of her shitty fucking songs… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Ellie Goulding Side Tit of the Day

Vita Sidorkina for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

I hate Victoria’s Secret…I think their styling, their photography, their use of these amazing fucking girls, is dated as fuck… I think pussy is eager to participate with the brand because they pay well, and they have created this exclusive army of pussy that I call the pussy army, but that they call their angels, and because it’s exclusive, other pussy that is still substantial pussy, but doesn’t have that stamp of approval, wants nothing more than to be pussy in the Victoria’s secret pussy army, because it has pussy ego and feels like it is star pussy….so they spend their lives feeling inadequate hoping maybe one day they will be one of the 20 pussies in that pussy army… but I love Vita Sidorkina…who I have never heard of before today…but who looks great half naked…I may be in love…

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Vita Sidorkina for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Nina Agdal Boring Bikini Catalog Pics of the Day

Sometimes I wonder where my life went wrong when posting catalog pics of some SI Swimsuit model getting paid thousands of dollars to get into swimsuits for some swimsuit brand because they figure if they book her, next year’s cover girl, now while she’s affordable…people everywhere will be posting and talking about their brand like they are Victoria’s Secret. Unfortunately, I don’t remember what the name of the brand is, not that it really matters, because the objective here is to look at Nina Agdal’s body while appreciating that she doesn’t look as DOWNS as she normally does. I guess she’s been working on making less retard lookin’ facial expressions…or maybe, just maybe her body is good enough for me to ignore…. Who cares.

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Nina Agdal Boring Bikini Catalog Pics of the Day