Tag Archives: past-the-point

Shay Mitchell’s Cleavage and her Dog of the Day

Shay Mitchell is a Pretty Little Liar celebrity, and now she’s a “showing off her cleavage with dogs” fetish site star…not that there is a fetish site for girls with cleavage posing with dogs, but there could be one, since I know at least one person who would jerk off to this….and that person is me…but I’m not doing it because I am overwhelmed with the cuteness of dogs, or because my obsession for dogs has gone past the point of no return, you know into a deep dark place, all because humans are shitty and dogs are amazing…I am doing it because of #tits. So really, her social media posted cleavage could be in any setting, next to any animal, or inanimate object..It could be in old lady faces, or in her own hands…I will still look….and so will you.

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Shay Mitchell’s Cleavage and her Dog of the Day

Eva Herzigova in her Slut Dress of the Day

I’ve spent the last few years posting about Eva Herzigova’s body, because for the most part she’s in a bikini and has pretty great tits, so I’ve never really taken the time to notice her gums, despite the fact that she’s got a whole fuckin’ lot of ‘em….seriously, this shit is on some Mr Ed shit….and it is freaking me the fuck out. Pics via Fame Pics via Bauer Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Eva Herzigova in her Slut Dress of the Day

Ciara has a Pimple of the Day

I think the least of Ciara’s worries are that she has a pimple, you know considering she’s rumored to have a dick or to have been born with a dick, you know some serious transexual, transgendered or a hermaphrotie, meaning she may want to spend less time covering up her forehead blemishes and more time sorting out her gender, cuz chicks with dicks are the kind of people who end up dead in ditches when they fuck with the wrong dude. Pics via Fame

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Ciara has a Pimple of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Gets Invited to a Party of the DAy

Lindsay Lohan is fucking hot, she’s really at the top of her fucking game, at least in terms of fucking her, because the further past the point of no return the easier they are to fuck, the only issue with this is that Lohan is the type of girl who after you fuck, you realize that you’ve just reached that point of no return because herpes are for life. Yes, I just made another Lohan herpes joke, which isn’t really a joke, because there’s nothing fuck about herpes, except when you play “Connect the Herpes” and make funny animal shapes….because animal shapes are always lots of fun…. Here she is showin off her belly of the day… Pics via Bauer Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Lindsay Lohan Gets Invited to a Party of the DAy