Tag Archives: paul reubens

Buzz Break: No Really, Who is Salt?

Is The Greatest Director Shana Feste the Next Female Filmmaker You Need to Know?

It’s hard to call a director prolific when her first film hasn’t even been released yet, but Shana Feste makes a good case for it. Feste wrote and directed The Greatest (out this Friday in limited release), which stars Pierce Brosnan, Susan Sarandon, and Carey Mulligan in the story of a family who’s lost their teenage son. That film premiered at Sundance in 2009, and in the interim, Feste has already wrapped her next movie Love Don’t Let Me Down , a country musical with Gwyneth Paltrow and Tron Legacy’s Garrett Hedlund. When Feste tells you that her intention is to make a film every year, Woody Allen-style, it’s not hard to believe she’ll do it. The young talent sat down with Movieline last week to discuss her speed vis-a-vis other woman filmmakers, the family story that inspired The Greatest , and the karaoke audition that landed up-and-comer Hedlund a role in her next film.

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Is The Greatest Director Shana Feste the Next Female Filmmaker You Need to Know?

Get Miserable, Everybody: New Trailer For Todd Solondz’s Life During Wartime

Admittedly, Life During Wartime ‘s U.K. trailer — its first overall — is coming at you a little tardy after first making its rounds late Wednesday. But the truth is that every Movieliner but me fell ill with misanthropy after more than a few minutes contemplating Todd Solondz’s latest, and I’m only now getting to the updated file on misery-cinema’s Patient Zero. And what have we here? Well, it involves people being cruel, clearly. And talk of China. And… it’s quite possibly terminal.

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Get Miserable, Everybody: New Trailer For Todd Solondz’s Life During Wartime

Pee-wee Clocky’d Going over the Speed Limit

Filed under: Celebrity Justice Pee-wee Herman — aka Paul Reubens — has a new Secret Word of the day: Speeding! Ha Ha!According to law enforcement sources, the “Pee-wee’s Playhouse” star was caught going 50 MPH in a 35 MPH zone last Friday in West Hollywood.We’re told cops … Permalink

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Pee-wee Clocky’d Going over the Speed Limit