It’s hard to call a director prolific when her first film hasn’t even been released yet, but Shana Feste makes a good case for it. Feste wrote and directed The Greatest (out this Friday in limited release), which stars Pierce Brosnan, Susan Sarandon, and Carey Mulligan in the story of a family who’s lost their teenage son. That film premiered at Sundance in 2009, and in the interim, Feste has already wrapped her next movie Love Don’t Let Me Down , a country musical with Gwyneth Paltrow and Tron Legacy’s Garrett Hedlund. When Feste tells you that her intention is to make a film every year, Woody Allen-style, it’s not hard to believe she’ll do it. The young talent sat down with Movieline last week to discuss her speed vis-a-vis other woman filmmakers, the family story that inspired The Greatest , and the karaoke audition that landed up-and-comer Hedlund a role in her next film.

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Is The Greatest Director Shana Feste the Next Female Filmmaker You Need to Know?
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged aaron johnson, allison janney, carey-mulligan, celeb news, Family, film-premiered, friday, greatest, paul reubens, shana-feste, speed-vis-a-vis, woman