Tag Archives: paying-the-way

Georgia Gibbs Got Them Titties On of the Day

Her name is Georgia Mae Gibbs, and with a name like Georgia Mae, I’d assume she was some farmer’s daughter in the midewest who drank the right amount of hormone jacked up milk, and hormone jacked up chicken, to give her a hormone jacked tits, that allowed her to live out her dream being a Sports Illutrated girl… Turns out she’s Australian, and thus way sluttier than a Farmer’s Daughter, they are an adventurous people who like to escape their island to tour the world…and more interestingly…she was an Australia Top Model…which I guess got her the followers to lead to this magical Swimsuit model moment… She was also some Miss Australia, so she’ been at this for awhile…and look at her now…bikini modeling..while looking 40…as Aussies do. Here she is nude for sports illustrated Her being hot in a bikini TO SEE THE REST OF THE SI SWIM SHOOTS WHERE THEY ARE PHOTOSHOPPED CLICK HERE The post Georgia Gibbs Got Them Titties On of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Georgia Gibbs Got Them Titties On of the Day

Alexis Ren Looks Like Her Mom Drank Too Much When She was in the Womb of the Day

If this isn’t adult fetal alcohol syndrome, the adult with fake tit version you’d normally find in the strip club, but that thanks to internet scamming, and face tuning, you find at red carpet events for Sports Illustrated events… I DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS… Alexis Ren is a product of going viral, the WILIIAM HUNG, of the bikini model world, never actually being a model, but playing one on instagram, and thus finally becoming one…in a fake it til you make it situation. She’s known for racy showing off her ass in weird poses that she photoshops the shit out out, literally and figuratively, and she’s now faced with showing up to places in real life to show the world that her feed is all a lie, but what she lacks in her retard looking face, she makes up in slutty poses, cuz that body’s pretty good, and that’s what we’re here for, or what she’s here for…you know propelling the WOMAN SPECIES to the next feminist level by reverting to the 80s and 90s offering the world nothing more than her tits / ass….the way it’s meant to be. Other trash that wasn’t photoshopped, but live a life photoshopped – also at this event… OLIVIA CULPO – WHO WAS APPARENTLY MISS UNIVERSE – WEIRD Kate Upton Mom Gunt Ashley GRAHAM ATE KATE UPTON Hailey Clauson Lost 30 Lbs Raven Lynn – A Tranny I assume Bianca Balti – NIPPLES WTF IS THIS – I THink she got lost on the way to her Walmart Cashier Christmas Party….Maybe SI is a Little Too Inclusive.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE SLUTS AT THE EVENT CLICK HERE TO SEE THE REST OF THE SI SWIM SHOOTS WHERE THEY ARE PHOTOSHOPPED CLICK HERE The post Alexis Ren Looks Like Her Mom Drank Too Much When She was in the Womb of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Alexis Ren Looks Like Her Mom Drank Too Much When She was in the Womb of the Day

Liz Hurley’s Valentines Day Porno of the Day

Liz Hurley is just way out of control with her social media account, it’s like this woman still has it in some capacity at the age of 50, posting her half naked pics, and probably loving every second of it, because she gets that instant feedback of 50,000 people liking her half naked pics, hours after she posts it, it’s good for a woman who has dried up thanks to biology, menopause is a real thing, but not after dropping at least one golden egg with the help of really rich guy sperm…that keeps paying the way for this OG sugar baby…. I’d be more into seeing the sex tape, when is that going to happen…probably never, she’s too rich, but there is hope, you know more and more topless seems to be her thing, eventually we will see the vagina tranny loving Hugh Grant made exist in the 90s…hopefully it doesn’t looks like a tranny’s vagina… I’m probably just wishful thinking, not about seeing a tranny vagina, but Liz Hurley Vagina, after all these years, it’d be a nice gesture for still paying attention to her, but woman just likes half naked cock teasing….and it’s not so much a tease anymore…but she’s trying so we should look…. The post Liz Hurley’s Valentines Day Porno of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Liz Hurley’s Valentines Day Porno of the Day