They say you can find anything on Craigslist. Including, apparently, a second chance for a dog with the world’s worst owner. Liz Pendleton told an Illinois Fox affiliate this week that she spotted an ad on that website that simply read “Dog needs gone or shot” and, naturally, “had to pick him up” from nearby Morrisonville. “I couldn’t leave him,” Pendleton added to KMOV. “The ad had only been up for an hour and a half, but I didn’t want to take any chances of him getting hurt so I left within the half hour of seeing the ad myself.” Pendleton was given the canine “no questions asked or answered” and says it’s in perfectly healthy condition. She also alerted police, but it’s unclear whether any charges will be filed. Considering a man in Washington may not face animal cruelty charges for BLOWING UP HIS DOG , we fear the Craig’s List ad maker will get away with his/her evil-spirited posting. Liz has named the German shepherd mix Buck and says he’s a “good boy.” He is still in need of a permanent home, however so email this good samaritan – lizzy314314 (at) gmail (dot) com if you can be of assistance.
Read more here:
Woman Responds to Craigslist Ad, Saves Dog from Being Shot