Tag Archives: people-typing

Trolls Retaliate After Rogue Critic Ruins Vampires Suck’s Precious 0% Approval Rating

RIP film culture, c. 1891 – 2010. It has come to this: Saddened and aggrieved by one critic’s approval of the once-unanimously loathed parody flick Vampires Suck , a troll militia has descended with their machetes and asthma inhalers to express its outrage. They are a fearsome, vengeful lot, and admittedly quite amusing once you get past the whole wrong-side-of-history thing. Taste the bile after the jump.

Originally posted here:
Trolls Retaliate After Rogue Critic Ruins Vampires Suck’s Precious 0% Approval Rating

First Social Network Review is a Rave

Scott Foundas has the first review of David Fincher’s Social Network , and not surprisingly (considering Foundas is on the New York Film Festival programming committee that made the film its opening-night selection), it’s a big, huge rave. ” The Social Network is splendid entertainment from a master storyteller, packed with energetic incident and surprising performances It is a movie of people typing in front of computer screens and talking in rooms that is as suspenseful as any more obvious thriller. But this is also social commentary so perceptive that it may be regarded by future generations the way we now look to Gatsby for its acute distillation of Jazz Age decadence.” That “bang” you just heard was the pistol officially starting the Oscar race. [ Film Comment ]

The rest is here:
First Social Network Review is a Rave