Tag Archives: pervert-dudes

Madison Reed Doing a Handstand of the Day

Who is Madison Reed…..according to wikipedia, Madison Reed was an American cabaret and ragtime performer who worked with Eubie Blake among others….according to google it’s a hair product company…according to social media…some whore who knows how to work social media to establish a fan base like all the other whores…because bikini handstands are slutty enough but not too slutty because it’s just a girl having fun, so much fun she wants to show her fans – that we can assume are a bunch of pervert dudes into girls playing off their half nakedness as innocent and cute…right….. What I am trying to say is that this is all so amazing. What a time to live… The post Madison Reed Doing a Handstand of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Madison Reed Doing a Handstand of the Day

Bella Thorne’s Braless I think of the Day

I doubt this 40 year old is Braless, 40 year old tits, when pretending to be 18, probably need support… Whatever it is she’s doing, I think it’s safe to say that she is definitely working it and loving the attention she’s getting from all the pervert dudes who follow her every move – mainly on snapchat – hoping she’ll slip up and get overexcited by her fame and either send her audience,who when big enough feels invisible, trust me I know….or maybe my audience is just invisible…or more importantly, that she’ll slip up and send her boyfriend who she’s tonguing some pussy videos – that she accidentally pushes to her story… Either way, people are fucking loving her…I don’t get it but I guess a hot redhead is like some rare thing, so rare it must be celebrated as most gingers make non-gingers want to throw the fuck up. Here she is tonguing her bf video: Here she is dancing… The post Bella Thorne’s Braless I think of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne’s Braless I think of the Day

Elina Vasilyevna Nipples of the Day

I don’t know who Elina Vasilyevna is… But she sounds Eastern European enough to have had to decide whether to pursue porn, like the other Eastern European girls, because it pays more than being lawyers in their poor, still beat up from communism, where even lawyers make less money than dick sucking babes…..or mainstream nudity, like this, in the “fashion” industry…with magazines that are pretty much just Playboy without the budget, but that present themselves as Vogue, but for the next generation, even though the only people into shoots of naked girls, even when they pretend to be editorial, is pervert dudes jerking off like you…. I guess she chose mainstream…and here are her nipples…for mainstream…so don’t sexualize her…this is art people…encourage it, so dumb girls partake in it….and we get to look at it…right! VIA P Magazine The post Elina Vasilyevna Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elina Vasilyevna Nipples of the Day

McKayla Maroney Showing Off Her Bra of the Day

Her name is McKayla Maroney and she’s showing you her bra…because she’s into Gymnastics and understands what her Gymnastic fans are into and this has nothing to do with her stage mom who forced her into gymnastics, helping her sexualize herself for her fans that are primarily pervert dudes who are into gymnastics, it is a fetish… So to capitalize on her success at 18, before being too old for these creeps to consider her barely legal and exciting…the window of opportunity is now…she showing cleavage…that grey area of wholesome, sleazy that works perfectly with her fan base…interesting.

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McKayla Maroney Showing Off Her Bra of the Day