Tag Archives: pet-projects

Hero Shots Galore: The Avengers Trailer Assembles!

This morning Disney released the first full trailer for Joss Whedon’s Marvel superhero party The Avengers , and ZOMG guys — have there ever been two minutes of action more packed with hero shots, zingers, and things blowing up before this very moment? ( Michael Bay might give Whedon a run for his money, but the Avengers trailer has what even his robot spectaculars don’t: copious slow-mo superhero booty shots. Consider the bar raised.)

See the article here:
Hero Shots Galore: The Avengers Trailer Assembles!

Hayden Panettiere on Fireflies in the Garden, Battling Typecasting, and the Amanda Knox Aftermath

Opening this weekend in limited release, Fireflies in the Garden isn’t exactly Hayden Panettiere’s “new” film. It’s more like her embattled, shelved, revisited and re-revisited film — shot in 2007, a festival curio in early 2008 and thought lost to the indie-film ages until recently, when plans were finally made for its theatrical distribution. At least she’s in pretty phenomenal company, starring alongside Julia Roberts, Ryan Reynolds, Willem Dafoe and playing a young Emily Watson in the tale of a family grappling with generations of guilt, misunderstanding, tragedy and maybe — just maybe — a future.

See original here:
Hayden Panettiere on Fireflies in the Garden, Battling Typecasting, and the Amanda Knox Aftermath

Help Movieline Caption This Expendables 2 Photo of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis

The Expendables 2 is shaping up to be the biggest, baddest ensemble action film ever with a cast that includes proven superstars Sylvester Stallone, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mickey Rourke, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and Chuck Norris. Today, we’ve received proof that this sprawling adrenaline-fueled blockbuster is indeed in production via a photo of the three bulky leads mugging in Bulgaria. This calls for a round of Caption This!

Excerpt from:
Help Movieline Caption This Expendables 2 Photo of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis

So Much for Oscar; Soderbergh’s Liberace Goes to HBO

Earlier this year producer Jerry Weintraub predicted Oscar gold for one of his upcoming pet projects, the Steven Soderbergh -helmed Liberace biopic. “I’ve got a great script, it’s a great story, and they’re great characters,” he enthused to Movieline. “That’s what I make movies about. It’s going to win an Academy Award… for Michael Douglas .” Well, not so fast.

Read more from the original source:
So Much for Oscar; Soderbergh’s Liberace Goes to HBO