Tag Archives: pig-disguised

Amber Rose Bottom Feeding for Attention in a Tight Dress of the Day

I thought the more I ignored Amber Rose the sooner she’d disappear. But I was wrong. She’s got an in with rapper cock, thanks to Kanye West, that will keep her groupie, low level, pathetic at best pussy around for as long as she keeps going out in tight clothes and releases nude pics and videos… Totally uninteresting. Totally not hot. Totally obvious. Totally boring. Yet I feel compelled to put her pictures up when she’s dressed like this, you know crying for attention…cuz I like these bottom feeding cunts and their rapper fucking pussies when they are out looking for as much fame as they can get cuz they got bit by the fame bug back when they managed to pretend to be Kanye’s girl despite Kanye being gay….. I also realize that in the grand scheme of things, my site’s not powerful enough to make anyone disappear, except maybe me, cuz I’m starting to get bored of it…but then again I’ve been saying that for 7 years.

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Amber Rose Bottom Feeding for Attention in a Tight Dress of the Day

Brooklyn Decker’s Ugly Face at Some Movie Premiere of the Day

No matter how many appearances these idiots make, and no matter how many times I post the pictures of those appearances, it will never make the movie they are hustling as hard as they can any good….If anything, it reassures the fact that it is just something Adam Sandler ejaculated months ago and happened to stumble upon the used condom where he squeezed out what hadn’t evaporated to try to conceive a half retarded baby in exchange for cold hard cash….This is mainstream Hollywood smut at it’s finest…attached some names, hire the paparazzi to shoot behind the scenes, pretty much whore it to the press, create premieres in every city, tricking the average into thinking this is next level…..but no one cares about that. We like the manufactured crap. We are American and we eat it all up all day….So I’ll just do what I set out to do and post the pictures to prove that Brooklyn Decker is not hot…when clothed, you see her true colors and unfortunately for her, those true colors are an ugly fucking face. Good times. Here’s Aniston doing some slapstick 3 stooges shit – cuz that’s what her life has become as a spinster…

Brooklyn Decker’s Ugly Face at Some Movie Premiere of the Day

Kelly Osbourne Photoshopped For Madonna of the Day

I remember hearing that Madonna’s youth clothing line was going to use Kelly Osbourne as the model, and I thought it was funny, because Kelly Osbourne is neither an idol to the youth, nor model worthy….If anything, she’s fucking disgusting even with the Dancing the the Stars weight loss…so I knew she’s aggressively be photoshopped in some Old Navy caliber creative direction…and the only message I hope this gives the youth that are going to be spoon fed this shit is that being fat is bad, starve yourself and if starving yourself doesn’t work, replace food with crystal meth and cigarettes….because I don’t want the shift in morals that leads to a love for porn, dick sucking, group sex and exhibitionism that’s happened to our youth over the last few years thanks to celebrity sluts go to waste or be spoiled by a pig disguised as a human…what a joke…. Here are the pics of the campaign…masturbate to them…it may make you last longer than usual…you know like a challenge for even the biggest chronic masturbating pervert who can cum to anything…Is there an app for that?

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Kelly Osbourne Photoshopped For Madonna of the Day