I looked up Sophia Simone on instagram and this is what I found: I assume that that is not the same Sophia Simone in these pictures, otherwise that would be some pretty next level BLACK FACE…. I love black women, especially when they are built like this…tight body, no fat, except where it counts…her tits…her perfectly massive tits…that remind me of my favorite pussy I’ve ever taken pics of from my OSCARS SO WHITE project a few years ago that no one cared about… I have never had a black girl willing to fuck me, they probably sense I am a little bitch with a small dick, you know some animal instinct…not to say black women are animals…but to say we are all animals…because everything is pegged racist, can I even call her black, or do I have to say woman of color but not A COLORED…can I even refer to her as a WOMAN or is that me being presumptuous, maybe she is gender fluid…dripping down my chin…or gender neutral…or an IT or a THEY…the world is a confusing place..where inclusive becomes exclusive…and confusing to navigate – when ultimately all that matters is how I want to see more Sophia Simone naked and big titty on her hot tight body…because I am in love and that is what love is about….jerking off to pics cuz girl doesn’t know you exist. The post Sophia Simone Is Amazing of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Sophia Simone Is Amazing of the Day