This movie was released in Spain in October….but it’s only hitting America on March 30th, so here are some pre-theater titties in a movie… Carie van Houten is some 35 year old Dutch actor…who chose not to live in Hollywood but stay in Europe because she, like me love the Dutch…from legal drugs, to legal prostitution….to a country that doesn’t occupy kitchen garbage like the Kardashians….the Netherlands is the way to go…… More importantly, you haven’t lived until you’ve had a dutch speaking chick whisper “stick it in my ass you worthless, poor, piece of shit my husband would hate knowing I’ve let inside me, but that I did anyway cuz I was drunk and he’s an asshole, and you happened to be in the right place and the right time”….while fucking her unprotected. It’s a life changing exprience you may like so much you want to tattoo it on your face like it is tattooed on your brain.
Read the original here:
Carice van Houten Titties in Intruders of the Day