Tag Archives: life-changing

Iggy Azalea Fat Ass in Short Tight Shorts of the Day

Iggy Azalea disgusts me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t buy into her self promoting, life changing, earth shattering, don’t matter tight shorts…that she wants people to talk about, because they are terrifying, and because she’s a bottom feeding talentless slag who needs all the help she can get to get an audience…whether it’s fake ass or not, she’s out there on the prowl for attention….and always has been – that’s why she exits – make noise, fuck the right people, use the media, cause controversy, pretend your a stripper have a disgusting ass, own that ass, target that ass to black men by Cultural appropriation…. Fake white, fake bitch, fake angle, fake raps, fake ass, fake Australian, fake shorts, fake hair, fake vagina, So fake, not sure if these pics even happened… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Iggy Azalea Fat Ass in Short Tight Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Iggy Azalea Fat Ass in Short Tight Shorts of the Day

Iggy Azalea Fat Ass in Short Tight Shorts of the Day

Iggy Azalea disgusts me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t buy into her self promoting, life changing, earth shattering, don’t matter tight shorts…that she wants people to talk about, because they are terrifying, and because she’s a bottom feeding talentless slag who needs all the help she can get to get an audience…whether it’s fake ass or not, she’s out there on the prowl for attention….and always has been – that’s why she exits – make noise, fuck the right people, use the media, cause controversy, pretend your a stripper have a disgusting ass, own that ass, target that ass to black men by Cultural appropriation…. Fake white, fake bitch, fake angle, fake raps, fake ass, fake Australian, fake shorts, fake hair, fake vagina, So fake, not sure if these pics even happened… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Iggy Azalea Fat Ass in Short Tight Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Iggy Azalea Fat Ass in Short Tight Shorts of the Day

Zoe Kravitz Nipple of the Day

I don’t like Zoe Kravitz… But she showed her fans her nipples…because I guess she’s performing music now… I guess it only makes sense that she’d leverage her dad’s success when he’s not flashing the world his penis, allowing her to record what I assume is life changing sounds, because she is tired of just being an instagram model, and feels like the world deserves to be blessed with her gift…or some shit.. I don’t dislike Zoe Kravitz because she’s used her family to get ahead, that shit never phases me, I mean why wouldn’t she… I just don’t like what seems like a pretty garbage personality…but she’s shpwing her nipples on stage…for you to see and for people to talk about…because nipples aren’t sexual, even though ever dude likes sucking them while fucking and every girls likes them being sucked while getting fucked…but they are for feeding babies…for 1.5 years of a 85 year life…so stop jerking off to them…pervert..and keep showing them off girls…I need to see ever nipple ever made… To See More Zoe Kravitz Performing CLICK HERE The post Zoe Kravitz Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Zoe Kravitz Nipple of the Day

Petra Nemcova for Modern Luxury of the Day

Petra Nemcova was on Vacation in Thailand with her boyfriend who ended up being swept away by the Tsunami, that she survived….by hanging in a tree…for hours… I guess what “God” was telling us is that the world has far too many photographers, or aspiring photographers, and doesn’t need any more of them…so one being swept away won’t change much…but there’s only one Petra Nemcova and she’s fucking substantial, so we’ll have to let her live, so that 10 years later she can get cast in campaigns for “Modern Luxury”….that clearly aren’t life changing, but that if you were given a second lease on life, would likely be the last thing you do…I guess as the years go on, it’s easier to get back into the normal everyday struggles…and I saw let her do anything she wants, because she’s amazing…even in boring shoots.

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Petra Nemcova for Modern Luxury of the Day

Monkey Rapes a Bird and Other Videos of the Day

The Man Who Eats His Beard Black Man Tasered By Police for Sitting in a Public Place Bar Brawl Broken Up by Landlord’s Pool Cue 97 Year Old Dancer of the Day

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Monkey Rapes a Bird and Other Videos of the Day

Holly Peers Topless for Page 3 of the Day

Her name is Holly Peers, you may or may not have heard of her, but by looking at her pictures you pretty much can figure out her deal. She gets naked, topless, or implied naked for magazines in the UK. She does it to get famous and to find herself a husband rich enough to buy her fancy things and give her the fancy life. That’s just what Glamour models do. They are some level of stripper, some level of hooker but more on the exhibitionist, getting published to increase their worth kick. I don’t think this is life changing, or revolutionary, or even inspiring. But it is tits and I guess that’s enough for the sake of a blog post, because we like looking at tits, even if we aren’t sucking them or fucking them…or even getting beat up emotionally by them. I don’t look down on any tricks being tricks. I think the world needs girls like this…mainly for miserable married dudes tired of their wife’s tits…but I guess still good for everyone.

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Holly Peers Topless for Page 3 of the Day

Francesca Eastwood is a Babe in her Bikini of the Day

Her name is Francesca Eastwood and she’s Clint Eastwood’s daughter…who is living the good life….because her dad is Clint Eastwood and he’s pretty major….She apparently has a reality show….that is about her and her mom on E! Network, a network I pretend doesn’t exist…thanks to the whole inventing the Kardashians….and Ryan Seacrest….they are horrible….but I guess they aren’t that bad….when exploiting socialite girls….who look amazing in bikinis….and here are the life changing pics….like this is a life changing post…uninspired maybe….but better than going to male stripclub accidentally and getting a slow dance from one of the guys…. FOLLOW THIS LONK

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Francesca Eastwood is a Babe in her Bikini of the Day

Selena Gomez Awesome on Set of the Day

Selena Gomez is shooting a music video and she’s in a leotard…. I mean she kinda looks ridiculous…with all that big hair…and what looks like a little youthful body….but for a Mexican or hispanic…or someone with the last name Gomez….she hasn’t really got all that much booty….and I love fucking booty…especially considering she’s got some belly…which I guess could be babyfat from having the hormones of a 12 year old…Thanks to Disney…doin’ the Peter Pan…cuz it is the only way to maintain Child Stars in projects they invest in….until they rebel, run off and reinvent themselves like Selena Gomez is…and I’m totally into having front row seats….. That said, how excited are you for her new album? I’m sure the music will be life changing garbage. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Selena Gomez Awesome on Set of the Day

Georgie Darby is Amazing for Interviu Spain of the Day

I don’t know what Interviu Spain is…..but it is pretty safe to assume it is a magazine….and these are pics from their February issue…and it is pretty amazing soft core porn…that they prefer to be marketed as Glamour Model….cuz porn has a negative connotation cuz no one wants to be considered a softcore pornstar…even if she’s showing off her fatty tits….all naked…and perverted like… I also don’t know who Georgie Darby is, but I do know she’s into showing her tits for money, so I guess that is all I need to know… Here are those life changing pics…that I am sure her dad is proud of….

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Georgie Darby is Amazing for Interviu Spain of the Day

Carice van Houten Titties in Intruders of the Day

This movie was released in Spain in October….but it’s only hitting America on March 30th, so here are some pre-theater titties in a movie… Carie van Houten is some 35 year old Dutch actor…who chose not to live in Hollywood but stay in Europe because she, like me love the Dutch…from legal drugs, to legal prostitution….to a country that doesn’t occupy kitchen garbage like the Kardashians….the Netherlands is the way to go…… More importantly, you haven’t lived until you’ve had a dutch speaking chick whisper “stick it in my ass you worthless, poor, piece of shit my husband would hate knowing I’ve let inside me, but that I did anyway cuz I was drunk and he’s an asshole, and you happened to be in the right place and the right time”….while fucking her unprotected. It’s a life changing exprience you may like so much you want to tattoo it on your face like it is tattooed on your brain.


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Carice van Houten Titties in Intruders of the Day