Tag Archives: preternaturally

‘Mad Men’ Season-Five Premiere: The Reviews Are In!

Critics are offering up raves and caution in their assessments of Sunday’s return. By John Mitchell Aaron Stanton, Larisa Oleynik, Vincent Kartheiser and Alison Brie in “Mad Men” season five episode one Photo: Michael Yarish/AMC After a 17-month break, “Mad Men” finally returns Sunday night to begin its fifth season . Its return, however, is being met with mixed reviews — well, mixed reviews for “Mad Men,” that is, which would be considered raves if they were for any other series. The devil is in the details when you’re a four-time Emmy Winner for Outstanding Drama Series. After all, when you are arguably the most critically beloved series on television, you are always being compared to yourself. So now, as the cracks start to show — like they do for every series this far into its run — critics can’t resist pointing them out alongside the expected raves about the show’s cast and film-level production. “The two-hour premiere feels long and is a little dreary, repeating many of the same themes that were so new and unexpected when the series first began,” The New York Times writes. “Certain genres have inherent limits, and just as there are only so many ways zombies can storm a stalled car on ‘The Walking Dead,’ there are only so many jokes to be had from an adult’s cradling an infant in one hand and a cigarette in the other on ‘Mad Men.’ ” This season, the show is set to tackle the social movements that began in the 1960s, in particular the civil rights movement, but having been off the air for so long, it has some catching up to do. There are loose ends from season four that need to be tied up before the show can move forward, and with race riots and picketing beginning in the streets in earnest as the season kicks off, the show works hard to get everyone up to speed so it can move forward. “The two-hour premiere ticks by mainly as a series of vignettes where familiar characters strut their familiar stuff and talk about work that no one ever seems to do,” the Wall Street Journal says. “When it’s over, fans will have gotten their ‘Mad Men’ fix, if not much of a high.” In a three (out of four) star review, Slant writes, “As is usually the case with a landmark show’s return, the two-part opener, ‘A Little Kiss,’ is primarily concerned with establishing mood and with dropping hints as to where the narrative may lead us. [The episode] is ultimately a haunting character study that’s slower and more melancholy than perhaps any episode of ‘Mad Men’ that’s preceded it. There’s a Cheever quality to ‘A Little Kiss,’ an unsettling sense that every inhabitant of the show is reaching a moral stasis and crisis simultaneously and exactly at the same time.” That sentiment is echoed by Variety : “Series creator Matthew Weiner resists rushing into anything, easing into a reset of where players currently stand in a manner — especially given the protracted absence — that should leave all but the most ardent fans trying to putty-in the gaps. Each time-lapse introduces more wrinkles in the show’s world, but the premiere offers a sketchy road map of what’s to come, and won’t expand ‘Men’s’ footprint beyond its solid arthouse niche.” To be clear, the above reviews are generally positive, talking about the show’s “deserved accolades” and especially about Jon Hamm’s performance, but “Mad Men” has moved beyond the point of “is it good?” criticism and deep into the land of near-doctoral study of its intricate plotting and how its dealings with the rebellious ’60s symbolize what’s going on in our current world. When critics are simply asked to assign it a grade, they are, like Newsday, mostly offering up A’s. In its rave review, Newsday declares, ” ‘Mad Men’ is back and back in all the right ways — the humor, the writing, the period details, and best of all, the flawless attention to these characters and their cluttered interior worlds.” Assigning the season-five debut four stars (out of four), USA Today praises the show’s “meticulous” attention to detail and goes on to cheer, “No series sets a higher, more consistent level of excellence, a level sustained, fans will be pleased to hear, as ‘Mad Men’ returns after a 17-month absence. … That high level of achievement extends to the cast, led by the shockingly under-Emmyed Jon Hamm, playing a man who is his own deeply flawed invention and letting us see the effort and pain behind the charade. But there’s not a weak performer on view Sunday, from the preternaturally assured Kiernan Shipka as Sally to old pro Robert Morse as Bert.” So it seems fans will not be disappointed by Sunday’s episode. Consensus opinion seems to be that while it might not rank as one of the series’ best, it does a good job of catching everyone up and setting the tone for what will surely be a riveting season of highbrow television. Will you be watching “Mad Men” on Sunday? Let us know in the comments below. Related Photos ‘Mad’ Hook Ups: The Relationships Of ‘Mad Men’

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‘Mad Men’ Season-Five Premiere: The Reviews Are In!

‘The Green Hornet’: The Reviews Are In

Movie is ‘as much a comedy as it is an action movie,’ Cinema Blend’s Josh Tyler writes. By Eric Ditzian Seth Rogen and Jay Chou in “The Green Hornet” Photo: Sony Pictures Seth Rogen might be laughing that throaty, unmistakable laugh of his at the end of this coming holiday weekend. After a hellish development process, a troubling game of release-date musical chairs, and the seemingly collective declaration from the Internet that his movie would suuuuuuck, Rogen’s “Green Hornet” is set to win the upcoming box-office crown. Projections put the superhero action/comedy’s opening haul anywhere from the low $30 million range to the low $40 million range. Whether it hits that higher number — making it the first movie to cross the $40-million opening mark since “Tron: Legacy” in mid-December — might well be decided by word of mouth. Thus far, critics seem to be of two minds: those who just don’t dig how Rogen has transferred his slacker-dude comedic stylings to a whiz-bam-pow action flick, and those who, well, totally dig how much fun that transference turns out to be. Which camp do you fall into? Check out what the critics are saying about “The Green Hornet” and decide for yourself. The Story “Rogen plays Britt Reid, a spoiled and irresponsible twenty-something who inherits an independent Los Angeles newspaper after his father James (Tom Wilkinson) dies under mysterious circumstances. Unprepared for the responsibilities of the job, he commiserates with one of his father’s mechanics, the preternaturally gifted Kato (Jay Chou); but when they’re interrupted by real criminals while trying to deface a statue erected in his father’s honor, the duo decides to launch new careers for themselves as superheroes. Branding his alter ego ‘The Green Hornet,’ Reid uses the newspaper to establish himself as a criminal, hoping to protect his real identity from the authorities; but when an actual crime boss named Chudnofsky (Christoph Waltz) believes that the Hornet is horning in on his territory, Reid and Kato find themselves under attack from both crooks and the authorities.” — Todd Gilchrist, Cinematical The Direction “Michel Gondry has crafted an irreverently funny, ultramodern take on the 1930s radio serial, with a vibe so casual you half-expect star Seth Rogen to amble offscreen and put his feet up on the seat next to you. … Gondry is surprisingly well-suited for a big-budget popcorn adventure. While his projects occasionally threaten to float away on a cloud of whimsy, the outlandish requirements of this genre — like explosive action scenes — somehow keep him grounded. At the same time, his sense of humor and acute visual skill turn a cheerfully unfocused superhero flick into an unexpectedly fun ride.” — Elizabeth Weitzman, New York Daily News The 3-D “[A] note on the 3-D. It’s good. Bullet casings rain down on our eyebrows. Kato’s kicks fly past our heads. At times, it seems like every possible object in the frame is rendered in 3-D. Which raises the question: Does the paperweight on Rogen’s desk need to be popping out of the frame? It’s an unnecessary contrivance in a movie that’s already made all the right moves.” — Tom Horgen, Minneapolis Star Tribune The Dissenters “The film’s insurmountable problem is that Rogen and Goldberg are committed to the comic notion that Britt is an idiot. This becomes a box that the character and the movie can’t escape. At no point does Britt’s strategy of doing good while pretending to be evil ever reveal itself to be coherent. On the contrary, Rogen’s Green Hornet doesn’t do anybody any good, not even by accident — he just wreaks havoc. Britt is a joke, a parody of a fatuous rich heir. That provides the occasional laugh, as when Britt comes on to his secretary (the long-suffering Cameron Diaz), who loathes him. But when the violence comes, who cares if this fatuous, ineffectual, trouble-making idiot survives?” — Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle The Final Word “More important than the story being told here, though, is how much fun the film seems to be having in telling it. … The movie’s packed with fun gadgets and crazy visual effects, some of which are so outside the box that in another film they might seem strange. Here though, most of them work brilliantly because Gondry’s movie never takes itself too seriously. When reality gets in the way of having fun with the moment, ‘The Green Hornet’ is more than happy to ignore it. Gondry’s vision is a perfect fit with the comedic tone of the script, written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. Their film is as much a comedy as it is an action movie — actually it’s better than that, it’s one of the all too rare modern movies which manages to be both.” — Josh Tyler, Cinema Blend Check out everything we’ve got on “The Green Hornet.” For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit MTVMoviesBlog.com . Related Videos ‘Green Hornet’ Clips

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‘The Green Hornet’: The Reviews Are In

Taylor Swift Is Fearless In Her March To The Grammys

The country-pop crossover had the best-selling album of 2009. By Gil Kaufman Taylor Swift Photo: Jason Merritt/ Getty Images Think back to what you did when you were 19

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Taylor Swift Is Fearless In Her March To The Grammys