Tag Archives: proactive-young

Nicole Trunfio Landed Non Nude Model Work for Madison Magazine of the Day

It is a sad day in every models life…at least as far as I am concerned…and at least as far as her fake tits are concerned…where she moves away from being the awesome nude model NUDE MODEL I have written about over and over again …because I celebrate nude models….to becoming some boring fully clothed model moving into the mainstream thanks to the help of her more famous friends…and I that is a fucking tragedy….

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Nicole Trunfio Landed Non Nude Model Work for Madison Magazine of the Day

Emily Osment in a Bikini for Twitter of the Day

Haley Joel Osment is an interesting child star because he has become Emily Osment…. You know most child stars, when they are no longer cute or interesting to the public, you know after puberty….turn to drugs and self-destruction to deal with the rejection the world has thrown there way…but this proactive young man…said…you know what…I’m gonna do this girl thing cuz life is way easier for girls..girls don’t even have to be hot or pretty…they just have to be willing to get half naked… So here he is promoting himself in a bikini for his instagram….unless this is actually his “sister” and not just a front…but how would you explain them never being in the same room, at the same event, or in the same picture…. Exactly.

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Emily Osment in a Bikini for Twitter of the Day