Tag Archives: produced-movie

Salt, Alice in Wonderland and the Worst-Reviewed Films Nominated For an Oscar

The gold standard for bad movies getting Oscar love has to be 2007’s multiple Razzie-winning Norbit , which earned an Oscar nod for Best Make-up, and from that moment forward demanded to be called by its rightful name: ” The Academy Award-Nominated Norbit .” (Shudder.) This year’s crop of Oscar-nominated critical duds are cinematic masterworks by comparison — and most of them can thank the thankless effects, costume, and sound mixing technicians for the profile-boost — but still… who’da thunk these 8 films would have come this far?

See more here:
Salt, Alice in Wonderland and the Worst-Reviewed Films Nominated For an Oscar

8 Milestones in the Evolution of James Cameron

This weekend, James Cameron delivers Sanctum , a rare Cameron produced movie that he didn’t direct. But how did Cameron, the director of the two most successful films of all time, get to this point after his disaster of a big-screen debut, Piranha II: The Spawning ? You can always trace a direct line through a handful of projects (not necessarily his best projects, mind you) to illustrate what led to a director’s current success. And with Cameron, it appears, up to this point, everything that he touches turns into gold (literally, because, you know, his movies make a lot of money).

See the original post here:
8 Milestones in the Evolution of James Cameron