Taylor Swift has returned to Instagram after a five-day, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West-inspired hiatus. The musical superstar last shared a message on the social media site when she posted a typed-out response to Kim and Kanye calling her out as a liar. If you’ll recall, Kardashian shared a series of Snapchat videos late Sunday night that depicted a phone call between her husband and Swift. They featured Kanye telling Taylor about certain lyrics in the song “Famous” that perhaps painted Swift in a negative light. But Swift gave her former rival her full approval and even thanked him for reaching out to give her a heads-up. This filmed happening seemingly contradicted previous statements from Swift in which she reacted in shock and anger over what Kanye rapped in this track. The back-and-forth gave the celebrity gossip world a lot to discuss over the past week or so. A video posted by The Shade Room (@theshaderoom) on Jul 17, 2016 at 8:20pm PDT Taylor has remained mostly silence since the battle got underway, but she broke that silence on Friday. To lay into Kim further? To say some mean things about Kanye? To plead for forgiveness? Not quite… no… and definitely not. Instead, Swift jumped on Instagram to share a throwback photo and to wish best friend Selena Gomez a happy birthday. “Going through old pictures today, because @selenagomez just turned 24! I can’t imagine my life without you, Selena. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Swift wrote as a caption to the picture above. Selena has remained by Swift’s side through thick and also through thin. Soon after this scandal broke, Gomez Tweeted the following in defense of her pal: “There are more important things to talk about… Why can’t people use their voice for something that f-cking matters?” This message got Gomez in trouble , however, because it’s not as though she uses her social media platform to bring up important political or global topics. Still, it’s nice that Selena is there for Taylor. She could use some real friends right about now. As you can see below, ever since Kim and Kanye exposed Swift, the Internet has been having quite the party at her expense: View Slideshow: Taylor Swift Is Over Party: Twitter Users Celebrate Singer’s Downfall
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Taylor Swift Returns to Instagram: What Did She Say?!?