Tag Archives: really-cold

Yet Another Attempt to Define Sustainability

Next to “Green” it is perhaps the most overused and misunderstood word in the envirobiz; We previously asked “Is Sustainability Over” ; Bill McDonough thought it over years ago when he said “We still have people talking about ‘sustainability’! Nothing is more boring. Are you proud if your marriage is ‘sustainable’?” But that hasn’t stopped Eric Zencey from taking a shot at it in Orion Magazine. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

Excerpt from:
Yet Another Attempt to Define Sustainability

Training to Swim the English Channel: Really, Really Cold Water

Photo via Earthwatch Tempting fate is never a good idea. I was so busy gloating about how many lengths I could do that I didn’t see it coming. As Oxford’s finest were leaping off the Magdalene Bridge in a tradition that dates back to the dawn of alcopops, I was preparing to take a road trip. Though, not by road you see, because that wouldn’t be very eco. I took a train to the coast to dive into the depths of Dover harbour . And despair. Swimming in the sea is nothing like swimming in a pool. I know that because I’ve read it several times since undertaking this challenge. And because I have swum in th… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Originally posted here:
Training to Swim the English Channel: Really, Really Cold Water