This is a sobering interview on Real News Network with Lawrence Wilkerson, who was Colin Powell’s chief of staff, on how Congress and Obama are painting themselves in a corner over Iran. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : naked capitalism Discovery Date : 17/02/2012 08:27 Number of articles : 2
Lot of stuff this morning on Egypt to discuss. First, President Obama has made his official statement on the matter , saying “All governments must maintain power through consent, not coercion.” Second, a report from the UK’s Telegraph newspaper indicates America has been secretly backing regime change in Egypt for the last three years as part of the trove of WikiLeaks State Department cables. In a… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Zandar Versus The Stupid Discovery Date : 29/01/2011 17:54 Number of articles : 2
Federal antitrust enforcers are investigating whether Toys “R” Us Inc. used its market clout to stifle discounting by retail competitors and force consumers to pay higher prices for baby products
SYDNEY – A 16-year-old Australian steered her bright pink yacht out of Sydney Harbor on Sunday to start her bid to become the youngest person to sail solo and unassisted around the world. Jessica Watson's plan to make a 23,600-mile (38,000-kilometer) journey through some of the world's most treacherous waters sparked a debate in Australia about whether someone so young should be allowed to try such a potentially dangerous feat
Vanguard Correspondent Adrian Baschuk travels to the last remaining Communist state in the Western Hemisphere. How hard is life there and is there any possibility of regime change? “Cuba: Waiting For A Revolution” premieres Wednesdays, Oct.