Tag Archives: rehabbing-star

Little Red Riding Trailer: Released, Dramatic, Directed by Catherine Hardwick

Catherine Hardwick has moved on from the Twilight Saga, but she hasn’t gone too far. The director is still treading in delicious teenage, supernatural drama, as her next film stars Amanda Seyfried and focuses on a big, bad wolf. Perhaps you’ve heard of the story: Little Red Riding Hood . This updated version of the fairy tale is a dark one. It will hit theaters in March and stars Amanda Seyfried, Lukas Haa, Gary Oldman and Virginia Madsen. Check out the official trailer below and decide: Will you purchase a ticket? Little Red Riding Hood Preview

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Little Red Riding Trailer: Released, Dramatic, Directed by Catherine Hardwick

Willow Palin Defends Sarah’s TLC Program in Homophobic, Poorly-Written Facebook Rant

With Bristol Palin earning a place in the Dancing With the Stars finals , this week should have been a triumph for Alaska’s best-known family. No longer. Willow Palin, Bristol’s sis and the 16-year-old daughter of former governor/VP nominee Sarah Palin, went on a homophobic rant on Facebook this week. That’s what happens when fellow users bash her mom’s new reality show, Sarah Palin’s Alaska . Feisty teen grizzlies gotta stand up for their mama! Sarah Palin has taught Willow such good values. And grammar . Willow’s target, a person named Tre who goes to school with the Palin kids, wrote a status update the night of the TLC show’s premiere, which read: “Sarah Palin’s Alaska is failing so hard right now.” Willow Palin fired back, “Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I’ve seen pictures of, your disgusting. My sister had a kid and is still hot.” She later added, “Tre stfu. You such a f*ggot. I’m sticking up for my family.” Bristol Palin herself then came to her family’s defense as well, firing off a biting report to Tre, “You’re running your mouth just to talk sh*t.” What a class act this family is. The girls could have simply cited the ratings, which proved Sarah Palin’s Alaska was anything but a failure, netting over five million viewers . But alas. All hell broke loose between Facebook critics and the Palins, with Bristol lashing out at someone named Jon (while also taking aim at Levi Johnston). “You’ll be as successful as my baby daddy,” she wrote. Ouch, Levi. That hurts man. Here’s a screen grab of Willow’s gay slurs and bad grammar. Seriously, girl. “Your” and “You’re” are not hard to learn. The brilliance of Willow Palin, ladies and gentlemen .

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Willow Palin Defends Sarah’s TLC Program in Homophobic, Poorly-Written Facebook Rant

Why Oksana Grigorieva Taped Mel Gibson

Oksana Grigorieva will appear tonight on Larry King Live, and when she does, she will reveal for the first time why that she taped conversations with Mel Gibson. His legal team says, or at least strongly insinuates, that it was all done as of a plot to extort him for money. They cite her emails as proof of sinister intentions. Her explanation? She thought she was going to die. HE SAID, SHE SAID: Or more like he screamed, she recorded . “I started taping it around 11 o’clock because I thought, ‘I’m actually not going to live through the night. I’m not going to live through the night,” she said. Grigorieva said she hoped her mom would share the tapes with the police. “I wanted my mother to be able to prove that if I’m dead that this is who did it.” Anyone buy that? While the Mel Gibson rants were terrifying and the actor has rage issues beyond belief, she sounded awfully calm on the recordings. As for why she stayed with Mel despite his behavior – he admits slapping Oksana but says it was to protect Lucia – Grigorieva admits it was a mistake. “I stayed too long,” she said. “I gave him the last chance. He asked for the last chance. He begged. He cried on his knees. What am I supposed to do?”

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Why Oksana Grigorieva Taped Mel Gibson

Lindsay Lohan Finally Realizes Dina Sucks

Lindsay Lohan has always been enabled by Dina Lohan, her worthless fame whore of a mom. Only now is she starting to realize that’s part of the problem. The rehabbing star’s wake-up call was Dina’s appearance on Today this month. While Dina showed some humility, it’s the pretense that bothered Lindsay. Basically, Lindsay told her mom not to go on Today at all. When Dina defied her and chatted it up with Matt Lauer, Lindsay, whose patience with her mom had already been wearing somewhat thin, was “furious.” Since the interview, Lindsay has been warier of her mom and is beginning to understand her antics are part of the reason she has so many problems. Moreover, Linds is beginning to realize Dina’s demonization of her dad, Michael Lohan , is not the whole picture and that both parents share the blame. Unlike her mother’s behavior, the actress has been surprised, in a good way, by her dad’s seeming sincerity in reaching out and respecting her wishes. Just when you think you’ve heard everything …

Lindsay Lohan Finally Realizes Dina Sucks