Tag Archives: reilly-factor

Dick Morris: Ron Paul Is Absolutely the Most Liberal, Radical, Left-Wing Person to Run For President in the Last 50 Years (Video)



Dick Morris told The O’Reilly Factor tonight that the fact that Ron Paul is surging in the polls is “horrible.” “Ron Paul is absolutely the most liberal, radical, left-wing person to run for president in the last 50 years.” Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 29/12/2011 03:16 Number of articles : 2

Dick Morris: Ron Paul Is Absolutely the Most Liberal, Radical, Left-Wing Person to Run For President in the Last 50 Years (Video)

Abby on O’Reilly, exposing Planned Parenthood


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Abby Johnson appeared on The O’Reilly Factor last night. As a former director of a Texas Planned Parenthood, she knows its secrets. Great job, Abby… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : jillstanek.com Discovery Date : 20/02/2011 00:32 Number of articles : 2

Abby on O’Reilly, exposing Planned Parenthood

Similac Recall 2010, lot numbers and baby formula product names

Similac Recall 2010 by Abbot Laboratories has created a panic among the concerned parents, Similac Recall 2010 by Abbot Laboratories has been made after discovering that the baby formula added by: mky786

Jon Stewart On Bill O’Reilly (VIDEO)

Jon Stewart returned to “The O'Reilly Factor” Wednesday for a lively discussion with Bill O'Reilly. Part 1 video above added by: Future_America

Jennifer Aniston Responds to Bill O’Reilly Criticism

After Bill O’Reilly basically disparaged her and called her destructive to society , Jennifer Aniston has clarified her recent comments about single motherhood. Doing so, she had some choice words for the Fox News personality. “Of course, the ideal scenario for parenting is obviously two parents of a mature age. Parenting is one of the hardest jobs on earth,” Aniston told People . The star of The Switch continued: “And, of course, many women dream of finding Prince Charming (with fatherly instincts), but for those who’ve not yet found their Bill O’Reilly, I’m just glad science has provided a few other options.” Jen’s new movie is about a woman gets pregnant via a sperm donor. The actress said women no longer have to wait for the perfect guy to start a family. “Women are realizing it more and more, knowing that they don’t have to settle with a man just to have that child,” she said, promoting the film. “Love is love and family is what is around you and who is in your immediate sphere.” Perfectly reasonable, especially within the context of the work of fiction she was talking about. But Bill still took offense and made more out of this. On The O’Reilly Factor , the host called the actress’s comments “destructive to our society,” and accused her of “diminishing the role of the dad.” “Dads bring a psychology to children that is in this society, I believe, under-emphasized. I think men get hosed all day long in the parental arena.” Whose side are you on?

Read more from the original source:
Jennifer Aniston Responds to Bill O’Reilly Criticism

Greta Van Susteren Says Spitzer-Parker Show ‘Bad News for Keith Olbermann!’

Fox News host Greta Van Susteren says the just-announced new CNN show pitting former New York governor Eliot Spitzer against faux conservative Kathleen Parker is bad news for MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann. Writing at her Greta Wire blog Wednesday, Van Susteren said, “[I]f CNN is to be successful, it will have to draw viewers from Keith Olbermann’s viewers.”   She continued, “The total number of cable news viewers seems to be a limited number so they have to grab from Olberman [sic].” Van Susteren elaborated as to why she doesn’t think Spitzer-Parker will take viewers from “The O’Reilly Factor”: You might ask why I don’t mention above Bill O’Reilly whose FNC’s O’Reilly Factor also airs at 8pm? That’s obvious — O’Reilly is SO FAR AHEAD OF EVERYONE IN ALL OF CABLE NEWS that NO ONE can lay a glove on him. No one even tries to compete with O’Reilly so I don’t include him in this discussion! O’Reilly dominates the cable news business. He has been #1 – by a giant margin – in ALL of cable for almost 10 years.  Is she right? Will this new program hurt Olbermann’s ratings, or has CNN become an also ran in this time slot? Stay tuned. 

See the original post:
Greta Van Susteren Says Spitzer-Parker Show ‘Bad News for Keith Olbermann!’

O’Reilly Discusses Comedy Central’s ‘JC,’ MRC’s Coalition to Ask Advertisers to Not Support It

On last night’s “O’Reilly Factor,” host Bill O’Reilly and guest analyst Arthel Neville discussed the possibly impending Comedy Central show “JC” – as in Jesus Christ. Given the network’s past treatment of Christianity, the portend for this show is hardly positive. Which is why the Media Research Center has put together a coalition to ask advertisers to publicly pledge to not underwrite/support the show.  Citizens Against Religious Bigotry (CARB) (which Ms. Neville graciously mentioned by name) is made up of many organizations – made up of Christians, Jews and Muslims – who would like to see religion not be the butt of raunchy/tasteless jokes, and who don’t think America’s advertisers should help fund said alleged humor. A petition to advertisers (to be found on the CARB website ) has garnered more than 115,000 signatures thus far. And if you aren’t familiar with how Comedy Central does Christianity, watch this video and you’ll get an idea of what can be expected should JC ever make it to the airwaves.

O’Reilly Discusses Comedy Central’s ‘JC,’ MRC’s Coalition to Ask Advertisers to Not Support It

Bill O’Reilly Tells Black Guest He Looks Like a Cocaine Dealer [That’s Racist]

Marc Lamont Hill is the black Liberal Columbia professor who for some reason is always on The O’Reilly Factor . Tonight’s episode made Hill’s presence even more puzzling, because Bill O’Reilly told him that he looks like someone who sells drugs. More

Jon Stewart vs. Bill O’Reilly: Round Two!

For the second night in a row, Jon Stewart appeared on The O’Reilly Factor. While there were still no verbal blowups between The Daily Show anchor and Bill O’Reilly, exchanges turned a little more fiery than they did during round one of the interview .

See the article here:
Jon Stewart vs. Bill O’Reilly: Round Two!

Jon Stewart Makes Some Good Points on The O’Reilly Factor

Night two of Jon Stewart on The O’Reilly Factor ! After last night’s light sparring we were ready for the main event. Jon Stewart was going to kill Fox News, or O’Reilly to kill Jon Stewart. WE WANTED BLOOD

Excerpt from:
Jon Stewart Makes Some Good Points on The O’Reilly Factor