Tag Archives: prince-charming

Hailey Baldwin is So Street in NYC of the Day

Hailey Baldwin is so edgy…so urban…it’s like all I see is some street kid living in the projects selling crack to buy music equipment for her Hip Hop career…or prostitute career…like I’m watching a modern take on KIDS…wearing her Biker Gang hat, and posing on cars she doesn’t own….which makes her a better actor than her dad…it doesn’t mask the fast that she’s some entitled Hollywood rich kid brat who hangs out with the Kardashian / Jenners to leverage her own personal brand – to give her some sort of way to live her own life outside of being a Baldwin, while using her Baldwin money, connections and name to open as many doors as possible….. She’s not that hot, she’s definitely not doing anything interesting beyond the vapid instagram bullshit of being in exclusive places with exclusive people…and I just see a waste of opportunity, who chose to be an instagram whore rather than doing good with her life…but she’s still young, lots more disappointment left in her…as she books actual jobs and sees relevant to a world of retards who think she’s relevant… The post Hailey Baldwin is So Street in NYC of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hailey Baldwin is So Street in NYC of the Day

Emma Roberts Underwear Model of the Day

Emma Roberts, who may be an actor, one of the lamest jobs a person can have, but a job that pays stupid fucking money to do very little, making it not that lame at all, but rather a great scam…and she may only be that actor because of a couple of Oscar Winning family members, her dad the most prolific straight to DVD actors, and her Aunt Julia…not acting wasn’t a fucking option…you see the family broke through and are in the scam, so you have to continue the scam pretending it’s genetic talent, so that can syphon as much as you can from the industry….because there’s a lot to syphon… Whatever the reason she’s on TV, or whatever the reason she’s getting work, it doesn’t matter…because she’s got skinny legs…and I fucking love skinny legs…no matter how rich they are…no matter if their aunt gave hookers everywhere a dream that Prince Charming will save them or not…a very important thing if you like hookers with a dream…and hopes…they fuck better….none of it matters…the only thing that matters is the skinny legs… I actually watched her show Scream Queens on netflix – because I am a teen girl, who fucks 19 year old girls off tinder with my mouth and they force me to watch their bullshit…and I do because I get to fuck them with my mouth….and Emma Roberts…is pretty fucking nice to stare at with a mouth full of young pussy. The post Emma Roberts Underwear Model of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Emma Roberts Underwear Model of the Day

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 18 Introduces Show’s First LGBT Couple

Once Upon a Time went there on Sunday night, folks. Back in September, executive producers Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis teased that their ABC series would depict its first-ever same-sex kiss at some point on Once Upon a Time Season 5 , with Horowitz explaining that their goal was for their show to “reflect the world as it is now.” Fast forward a few months to  Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 18 and Ruby and Mula teaming up to take down the Wicked Witch. After learning that Zelena had placed Dorothy in a sleeping curse, Ruby headed to the Underworld in an attempt to save her. As we’ve seen before on this drama, the only cure for such a curse would be for the subject to be touched by True Love’s Kiss… and Ruby was the one to lay it on Dorothy’s lips in this case. “True Love’s Kiss has been a staple of this show since the beginning,” Horowitz and Kitsis said about the development. “This past Sunday’s episode was just another example of how in a fairy tale, as in life, love is love.” While the smooch is receiving a lot of buzz this morning, the producers have continued to insist that the couple’s love story will be no different from what the series has showcased with Snow White and Prince Charming; or Emma and Hook. This was not any kin of “very special episode,” Horowitz says, adding: “We don’t want to marginalize… What we want it to be is normal.” Click on the link below to watch Once Upon a Time online and react in our Comments section to this intriguing storyline. Watch Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 18 Online

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Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 18 Introduces Show’s First LGBT Couple

Kaley Cuoco’s Tan Lines and Butt Shot of the Day

Kaley Cuoco rockin’ a tan line for Shape Magazine in a behind the scenes photo that doesn’t matter, unless you’re into tan lines..which apparently people are…because I’ve know strippers, so many strippers, through many decades of my life, so that I’ve got a good sense of what they think looks hot enough under the black lights to land a lap dance, and the one constant, other than herpes and the dream a prince charming will come in and save them is tan lines…I guess because it’s like naked but with underwear…without underwear getting in the way…to really accentuate the genital region..with a “I hang out at the beach because I am healthy”…despite it being a “I hang out in a tanning bed in underwear because the place I go is sketchy and I’d hate to put my bare ass on it, which is saying a lot because i’m a stripper and I put my bare ass on everything for 10 dollars a song”… Only unlike a stripper, Kaley Cuoco is a huge, definitely overrated, but cast on the right show, TV star making 100s of millions of dollars, something that is pretty nuts, until she brings the down to earth, look “I’m just like you” sexts and weird squats, in a not taking herself too seriously, because she doesn’t have to, she’s rich…kind of way.. The post Kaley Cuoco’s Tan Lines and Butt Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kaley Cuoco’s Tan Lines and Butt Shot of the Day

Sexual Healing?: 15 Reportedly “Sex-Addicted” Celebs

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Sexual Healing?: 15 Reportedly “Sex-Addicted” Celebs

Your Dream Destination Awaits: 15 Perfect Honeymoon Destinations!

where will you and prince charming honeymoon?

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Your Dream Destination Awaits: 15 Perfect Honeymoon Destinations!

Helena Bonham Carter Joins Cinderella as Fairy Godmother

We’ve been wondering what kind of tone Kenneth Branagh’s live-action  Cinderella  would take. With the announcement that Helena Bonham Carter has joined the cast, it’s looking like it will be a fantastical epic in the vein of Bonham Carter’s other fairy tale movie,  Alice in Wonderland . Of course Bonham Carter can also play gritty, so I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Bonham Carter will play the Fairy Godmother , alongside Lilly James as Cinderella and Cate Blanchett as the Evil Stepmother. Richard Madden plays Prince Charming, with Holliday Granger and Sophia McShera in talks for the Evil Stepsisters. Cinderella is expected to begin filming this fall.

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Helena Bonham Carter Joins Cinderella as Fairy Godmother

Before You Put On Your Freakum Dress, Make Sure You’re Ready To Deal With These Characters At The Club

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Before You Put On Your Freakum Dress, Make Sure You’re Ready To Deal With These Characters At The Club

Quote Of The Day: “I Would Only Lose Weight If It Affected My Health Or Sex Life, Which It Doesn’t.”

Big guls need love too, and according to Adele she gets plenty… Adele Says She Wouldn’t Lose Weight Unless It Affected Her Health Or Sex Life Via HelloBeautiful British singer, Adele made waves the is side of the pond because of her incredibly honest music and her insanely soulful voice. However, her size, as in her weight, has come into play. Karl Lagerfeld has called her fat and there’s even a website dedicated to humiliating the “Rumor Has It” singer. I just found out that even Lady Gaga has referenced Adele’s weight in defending her own. Adele is penning a biography with writer, Chas Newkey-Burden and in the book, Adele exposes the issues she’s had with her own weight. Check out some of the standout excerpts below: “I read a comment [about me] on YouTube that I thought would upset me — ‘Test pilot for pies’ — but I’ve always been a size 14-16 and been fine with it. I would only lose weight if it affected my health or sex life, which it doesn’t.” “It was the biggest deal in my entire life to date. . . He made me totally hungry. . . He was older, he was successful in his own right, whereas my boyfriends before were my age and not really doing much. He got me interested in film and literature and food and wine and traveling and politics and history and those were things I was never, ever interested in.” Awwww, Adele found her a prince charming that doesn’t mind a lil extra cushion when pushin’. Image via Telegraph

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Quote Of The Day: “I Would Only Lose Weight If It Affected My Health Or Sex Life, Which It Doesn’t.”

Drake’s High School Commencement Speech [Video]

Before making it big as an artist, Drake starred in a teen drama called, Degrassi: The Next Generation. The popularity of the show caused Drake to drop out of high school, and his subsequent success in music caused him never to go back… Continue

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Drake’s High School Commencement Speech [Video]