Tag Archives: matter-if-their

Emma Roberts Underwear Model of the Day

Emma Roberts, who may be an actor, one of the lamest jobs a person can have, but a job that pays stupid fucking money to do very little, making it not that lame at all, but rather a great scam…and she may only be that actor because of a couple of Oscar Winning family members, her dad the most prolific straight to DVD actors, and her Aunt Julia…not acting wasn’t a fucking option…you see the family broke through and are in the scam, so you have to continue the scam pretending it’s genetic talent, so that can syphon as much as you can from the industry….because there’s a lot to syphon… Whatever the reason she’s on TV, or whatever the reason she’s getting work, it doesn’t matter…because she’s got skinny legs…and I fucking love skinny legs…no matter how rich they are…no matter if their aunt gave hookers everywhere a dream that Prince Charming will save them or not…a very important thing if you like hookers with a dream…and hopes…they fuck better….none of it matters…the only thing that matters is the skinny legs… I actually watched her show Scream Queens on netflix – because I am a teen girl, who fucks 19 year old girls off tinder with my mouth and they force me to watch their bullshit…and I do because I get to fuck them with my mouth….and Emma Roberts…is pretty fucking nice to stare at with a mouth full of young pussy. The post Emma Roberts Underwear Model of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Emma Roberts Underwear Model of the Day

"A Father’s Rights" is based upon a real life story.

“A Father’s Rights” is based upon a real life story. It depicts the situation of an unwed father and his child’s struggle with the legal system predominant in American society today. “A Father’s Rights” is hard hitting, factual, and potentially embarrassing to some in high places. It is meant to expose the system that treats children differently across this country and the world: a system that needs to change. We should all be looking at and working for one thing, getting equal rights for our children. It should not matter if a child is born out of wedlock. It's not the child’s fault, and that child should have the same rights as a child from a happily married couple. Stop the fighting over who gets custody and what he/she receives for the privilege of raising that child. The system that all of us face as parents, and/or grandparents is broken. No matter if you are mother, father, or grandparent, we all must acknowledge this basic fact. Thousands of emails have been received over the past year about this project asking for help, or parents telling their own horror stories with the system. One major problem is that fathers, mothers, and grandparents all seem to be fighting for their own rights. We should all be able to come together and fight for our children's rights. The right to be treated equally, no matter if their parents are married, were married, or never married. If that goal is obtained, then a lot of the problems in the system will go away. This movie was made to bring attention to and educate the public about a corrupt system that is not taking care of the future: making sure children are well taken care of. Based on a true story and filmed in Dickson, TN. Starring: Robbie Davis, Christian Pitre, Ed Bruce, Jay Davis, Karen Carlson, Deborah Allen and Mark Collie. http://www.a-fathers-rights-movie.com/story.html added by: MotherForTruth