Maryland Legislator Thinks Baltimore Rioters Should Have Benefits Revoked While serving as guest host for a radio show on Wednesday, Maryland State legislator Patrick McDonough chatted with callers on “finding a solution” to the “problem” that is Baltimore’s angry youth — which he refers to as the “thug nation.” McDonough gave an interesting response when a caller asked if it were possible to simply starve the families of rioters to punish them for having a “poor upbringing.” When asked if people who riot in the community are “too young, why can’t they take away benefits from families, from like the parents who are collecting welfare.” McDonough responded: “That’s an idea and that could be legislation. I think that you could make the case that there is a failure to do proper parenting and allowing this stuff to happen, is there an opportunity for a month to take away your food stamps?” Hmmm…he thinks starving the people will keep them from looting stores again ? We bet he has a bit of a surprise coming his way if something like this comes to pass… He also says he’d be interested in seeing a scientific study to explain what is so wrong with young, poor Black people and why they just can’t seem to get along with police: “These young people, they’re violent, they’re brutal, their mindset is dysfunctional to a point of being dangerous…” Funny…sounds like he’s describing abusive members of the police force to us. BaltimoreSun
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Maryland Legislator Talks Revoking The Food Stamps Of Baltimore’s “Thug Community” After Riots