Tag Archives: make-the-case

Maryland Legislator Talks Revoking The Food Stamps Of Baltimore’s “Thug Community” After Riots

Maryland Legislator Thinks Baltimore Rioters Should Have Benefits Revoked While serving as guest host for a radio show on Wednesday, Maryland State legislator Patrick McDonough chatted with callers on “finding a solution” to the “problem” that is Baltimore’s angry youth — which he refers to as the “thug nation.” McDonough gave an interesting response when a caller asked if it were possible to simply starve the families of rioters to punish them for having a “poor upbringing.” When asked if people who riot in the community are “too young, why can’t they take away benefits from families, from like the parents who are collecting welfare.” McDonough responded: “That’s an idea and that could be legislation. I think that you could make the case that there is a failure to do proper parenting and allowing this stuff to happen, is there an opportunity for a month to take away your food stamps?” Hmmm…he thinks starving the people will keep them from looting stores again ? We bet he has a bit of a surprise coming his way if something like this comes to pass… He also says he’d be interested in seeing a scientific study to explain what is so wrong with young, poor Black people and why they just can’t seem to get along with police: “These young people, they’re violent, they’re brutal, their mindset is dysfunctional to a point of being dangerous…” Funny…sounds like he’s describing abusive members of the police force to us. BaltimoreSun

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Maryland Legislator Talks Revoking The Food Stamps Of Baltimore’s “Thug Community” After Riots

Jay-Z, Macklemore Top Hip-Hop Experts’ Fantasy ‘Hottest MCs’ Lists

Insiders from Rap Radar, Complex mag and Power 106’s ‘Big Boy’s Neighborhood’ make the case for their picks. By MTV News staff Jay-Z Photo: Getty Images

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Jay-Z, Macklemore Top Hip-Hop Experts’ Fantasy ‘Hottest MCs’ Lists

Vice Presidential Debate: Who Won, Paul Ryan or Joe Biden?

The first and only 2012 vice presidential debate has come to an end. Who do you think was the winner of the showdown in Kentucky? After last week’s presidential debate disaster for Barack Obama, V.P. Joe Biden was tasked with righting the ship, while Rep. Paul Ryan sought to keep Mitt Romney’s momentum going. Which candidate do you think better achieved his goals coming in? What was the most meaningful exchange? Did Ryan help make the case for Romney and the GOP’s views on foreign and domestic issues over this 90-minute tussle? Or was it Democrat Biden who bettered his boss’ chances for re-election? Share your comments below, and vote in our survey: Who won the 2012 Vice Presidential debate?   Biden Ryan View Poll »

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Vice Presidential Debate: Who Won, Paul Ryan or Joe Biden?

Mel Gibson Taken to the Cleaners By Oksana

Charlie Sheen says Mel Gibson is one cool dude . At some point, Gibson may want to take a critical lesson from his admirer and start #WINNING. Lately in court, dude’s been doing anything but. Oksana Grigorieva and her team of lawyers have scored yet another victory against Gibson, who must cough up $300,000 for her legal fees. WOE IS MEL: Gibson must pay the $300,000 immediately. Oksana’s lawyers , which total more than 40, have asked for a figure exceeds an incredible $3 million. This for a custody battle involving one child, mind you. They’ve also defended Oksana against extortion allegations, of course, and helped her make the case that Mel committed domestic violence against her. He is likely to be charged soon, sources say. It’s unclear how much Mel has paid in legal fees thus far, but talk about running up a tab, with no end in sight.

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Mel Gibson Taken to the Cleaners By Oksana

Sarah Palin’s Alaska: Renewed For Season 2?

Is TLC already hankering for a second dose of Sarah Palin’s Alaska? For the network, strong ratings – supplemented by the buzz created by Sarah’s show-related squabbles with Michelle Obama and PETA – make the case. “3.066 million people turned in last week to see her episode with Kate Gosselin,” a TLC insider says. “That’s more than are watching Bravo’s Housewives .” GOING FOR THE KILL : Palin’s strikin’ while the iron’s hot . “The network is doing everything it possibly can to convince Sarah to do another season , but at the end of the day it will all come down to the money.” Sarah, who is reportedly making more than $250,000 per episode for the eight-week series, started talking new deal immediately after the premiere. “Sarah knows to strike when the iron is hot and started talking about season two right after the show debuted to huge numbers,” a friend of Sarah said. “She knows celebs get millions per episode and thinks she’s worth it. Jennifer Aniston made millions from Friends . In Sarah’s eyes, she’s no different.” Maybe she and Kate Gosselin have more in common than they think. They may come from different worlds, but self-love unites them for all eternity. Friends drew more than three million viewers, but Palin may not be too far off in seeking a raise. Think about how much caribou meat that can buy …

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Sarah Palin’s Alaska: Renewed For Season 2?

President Obama is neither weak nor stupid… nor a progressive

Nobody forced President Obama to escalate the war in Afghanistan. Nobody forced him to expand oil drilling in the Arctic rather than make the case that we need an emergency effort to end our addiction to all fossil fuels. Nobody forced him to have his Department of Justice ignore the Bush administration's criminality. Nobody forced him to continue secret renditions or a policy of denying suspected terrorists the human right of due process. Nobody forced him to order his DOJ to appeal court rulings that would have ended Don't Ask Don't Tell. Nobody forced him to open a discussion about the deficit which even puts Social Security and Medicare on the table when the economy desperately needed and needs more Keynesian stimulus. Nobody forced him to keep on Bush's Defense Secretary. Nobody forced him to hire a neoliberal economic team and ignore the traditional liberal economists who had been almost alone in predicting the economic collapse. None of these moves was forced on him by the Republicans or the Conservadems or the Blue Dogs. http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2010/12/5/925119/-President-Obama-is-neither-w… added by: uppityprogressive

Margaret Thatcher Hailed as Champion for Climate Skeptics

Image credit: Iconic Photos Only a few weeks ago we saw conservative environmentalists evoking the ghost of Ronald Reagan to make the case for strong action on climate change . Now climate skeptics are getting in on the act, co-opting Reagan’s ally Margaret Thatcher as a key voice of climate skepticism. The trouble is, Thatcher’s legacy on climate change is muddled to say the least…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Margaret Thatcher Hailed as Champion for Climate Skeptics