Shonda Rhimes couldn’t write a juicier story than this. According to Page Six, the widow of Joe Biden’s late son, Beau Biden, has started a romantic relationship with Beau’s brother, Hunter Biden, the former Vice President’s younger son. Sources say that after Beau’s May 2015 death due to brain cancer, his wife Hallie was so […]
Shonda Rhimes’ declaration seemed to inspire Oprah to voice her own thoughts about marriage, revealing she’s comfortable with the status of her relationship with longtime boyfriend Stedman Graham.
Shonda Rhimes has got a handle on making gripping dramas for ABC, but who knew that Shonda once aspired to be the creator of a hit teen drama? Jimmy Kimmel dug into the Shondaland vaults to dig up one of her short-lived series that looks a lot like one of our Thursday night faves. High […]
Shonda Rhimes gives an inspiring speech about breaking through entertainment’s glass ceiling as a woman and woman of color at The Hollywood Reporter’s event Wednesday.
Steve Hirsch of Vivid Entertainment says a Marilyn Monroe sex tape with JFK and RFK would be worth eight figures easily, however he doesn’t think it’s legit. Still, he’s prepared to pay $10,000 just for the “privilege” of seeing it. “If it’s legit and we can distribute it, it will be a massive bestseller,” the Vivid CEO said, though “the pieces just don’t add up and I’m more than a little skeptical.” “In fact I want to be the first to screen it. What’s the value of the movie if distributed on the open market? $10 million minimum and probably a lot more.” The alleged Marilyn Monroe sex tape was set to be auctioned off by the Tulare (Calif.) County Sheriff, which had been seized the property, two days ago. As part of a lawsuit involving William Castleberry, the purported porno was confiscated; however, he paid off a judgment against him at the 11th over. As such, the tape is slated to be returned to him. Castleberry insists the tape is real, and that he only kept it private for so long because he was good friends with Joe DiMaggio, Marilyn’s former husband. Questions about the legitimacy of the tape have been raised, however, with several sources reaching out to Radar to suggest it simply does not exist . “William’s sex tape of the Kennedys and Marilyn doesn’t exist,” said one insider. “There’s absolutely nothing on the 8 mm tape and nothing is visible.” “Most of his collection is fake,” they said of the Hollywood collector. “People should be very, very careful before bidding on any purported memorabilia.” Castleberry denied adamantly that this or that anything in his collection is fake, insisting, “No way. The tape is real and so is everything that the cops took.” There’s no doubt about these facts, at the very least: The Kim Kardashian sex tape is real. So is the Farrah Abraham … whatever you wanna call that display. It’s not really a “sex tape,” more of a porno. Either way: Boning Central. Knock yourselves out.