Tag Archives: rick santorum

Victoria Jackson Hates Muslims, Loves Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum

Former SNL cast member Victoria Jackson is never one to hide her staunchly conservative political views. Her latest rant surrounds Muslim infiltration of the U.S. Jackson, on her web talk show this week, claimed the United States is being overtaken by radical Muslims bent on bringing the nation under Sharia law. Seriously. Citing insider knowledge, she said the following: “I just went to a briefing in Washington DC, across the street from the Capitol, at the Longworth building at 8:30 am two days ago and it changed my life.” “For six hours, I saw pictures and names and dates and facts and Islamic law books and Korans, Surahs for six hours and they proved to me that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our highest positions in government and this is serious.” “Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum are the only GOP candidates to acknowledge the above facts and warn against the present threat of Islamic Law replacing the U.S. Constitution. Very few people in America are informed and educated as I am.” There you have it folks. “Few people are as informed and educated” as Victoria Jackson. Perhaps she means that ironically, as in she is so ridiculously misinformed, paranoid and uneducated that few people could ever stoop to her level. Eh, probably not. She also thinks Glee makes kids gay . But we need to subscribe to her Podcast for the unintentional comedy factor alone.

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Victoria Jackson Hates Muslims, Loves Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum

WaPo Thumps 2012 Hopeful Rick Santorum as ‘Notorious for His Moral Pronouncements’

Washington Post political reporter Karen Tumulty explored the dark-horse presidential explorations of former Sen. Rick Santorum on the front page of Friday's paper. It was a fairly respectful story until it came time to discuss the former senator's “notorious” moral statements, and how he still “breathes fire” on occasion: Santorum was notorious for his moral pronouncements . He contended, for instance, that Boston's liberal culture was partly to blame for the sex-abuse scandal in the Catholic Church there, and suggested that lifting antiquated state sodomy laws would sanction bestiality — or as he put it, “man on dog.” Santorum still breathes fire . In his evolving stump speech, he frames the prospect of Obama's reelection in near-apocalyptic terms: “Democracy and freedom will disappear.” His agenda consists of stopping pretty much everything that has been set in motion in the past two years, starting with the overhaul of the nation's health-care system. read more

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WaPo Thumps 2012 Hopeful Rick Santorum as ‘Notorious for His Moral Pronouncements’

Santorum’s Google Trouble a Warning to Conservatives in Internet Age

Here’s a delightful little story from the Sept./Oct. issue of Mother Jones, the far-left political magazine. It’s called “Rick Santorum’s Anal Sex Problem,” and, with its helpful creative artwork, it’s not something you want to read over lunch. Thanks to the efforts of a vindictive liberal writer, anyone Googling conservative former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum is fairly likely to get an unpleasant surprise. Among the top three results will probably be a nauseatingly offensive website based on making “Santorum” a “sexual neologism,” according to Mother Jones’ Stephanie Mencimer. Back in 2003, Santorum expressed a traditional Catholic view on the issue of homosexuality and same-sex marriage. Then talking in general about “orientations” always excluded from understandings of marriage, he included pedophilia and bestiality along with homosexuality. “The ensuing controversy,” wrote Mencimer, “prompted syndicated sex columnist Dan Savage, who’s gay, to start a contest, soliciting reader suggestions for slang terms to “memorialize the scandal.” Having selected the nastiest entry, “Savage launched a website, and a meme was born.” Once launched, the smear site “eventually it eclipsed Santorum’s own campaign site in search results; some observers even suggested it may have contributed to Santorum’s crushing 18-point defeat in his 2006 campaign against Bob Casey,” Mencimer wrote. Whether that’s the case or not, the damaging site remains, and remains a problem for Santorum’s future political aspirations. The site “hasn’t been updated for years,” but it still comes up high in the Google results. It’s been linked to over 13,000 times “compared with only 5,000 for Santorum’s own, real site, America’s Foundation,” according to the article. Mencimer talked to Internet PR and search engine experts who called the site “devastating” and said Santorum should “consider buying paid search results for his name.’ The article claims that Santorum “would very much like to be president.” If so, Savage, not content to let his website do its passive work, threatens to “‘sic my flying monkeys on him’ – in other words, mobilize bloggers to start posting and linking to his site again.” Mencimer explained that “Savage has not forgiven Santorum for his seven-year-old comments: ‘Rick would have prevented me and my partner from being able to adopt my son,’ he points out.” And that would be a shame, not to raise a child in an environment where differing opinions are met with vitriolic and gross scatological personal attacks. Why, he might not grow up to be a tolerant liberal.

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Santorum’s Google Trouble a Warning to Conservatives in Internet Age