With the opening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens this weekend all eyes are on the gorgeous star Daisy Ridley. While the Brit has made a handful of appearances in the past this is her first huge franchise fare, and at the time of this post she is the 5th highest searched actress on IMDB. Luckily the hottie’s brief acting history brings the boobs, and we’ve got her perky pair in all their glory! Is that a lightsaber in your pocket, or do you have an erection?
A.M. Click: Republicans in Congress refused to take up new gun legislation in light of San Bernardino massacre, the name of the victims in that mass shooting and parents in New Jersey mad about late notice on an alleged bomb plot at a grade school.
‘Prometheus 2’ a.k.a. ‘Alien: Paradise Lost’ will now be called ‘Alien: Covenant’ and bridge the gap between the first film and ‘Alien,’ according to director Ridley Scott.
Daisy Ridley is the new Star Wars girl you’re going to be staging a marriage with in your basement while your mom is at Church…with a lifesize cutout you made of her out of digital printing her full body on pillow cases…way better than trying to staple paper print outs of her onto your pillow like you did many years ago…when the last Star Wars came out and you fell in love with their star… I guess what I am saying is that this girl can do no wrong…she could wear a fat suit…and walk around shitting herself…and will still be the most jerked off to girl for the next 5-10 years…and that is a pretty remarkable feat, especially for someone who only got an agent less than 1 year ago…not that it has anything to do with her, or how cute she is…people are fucking crazy about Star Wars…and she just needed to be in it..to have millions and millions of creepy socially awkward nerds of all ages… I don’t know why I’ve never been into Star Wars…I haven’t even seen the second trilogy and can’t bother with the first…yet I run a blog for people who probably have Star Wars tattoos…yes I am talking to you…loser… Daisy Ridley….I’ll be watching you…and let’s hope you make me lots of money when I leak your nudes…because I think I deserve a piece of the Star Wars hype…even if I don’t leave my couch or talk to other humans. The post Daisy Ridley for ASOS Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Daisy Ridley is the new Star Wars girl you’re going to be staging a marriage with in your basement while your mom is at Church…with a lifesize cutout you made of her out of digital printing her full body on pillow cases…way better than trying to staple paper print outs of her onto your pillow like you did many years ago…when the last Star Wars came out and you fell in love with their star… I guess what I am saying is that this girl can do no wrong…she could wear a fat suit…and walk around shitting herself…and will still be the most jerked off to girl for the next 5-10 years…and that is a pretty remarkable feat, especially for someone who only got an agent less than 1 year ago…not that it has anything to do with her, or how cute she is…people are fucking crazy about Star Wars…and she just needed to be in it..to have millions and millions of creepy socially awkward nerds of all ages… I don’t know why I’ve never been into Star Wars…I haven’t even seen the second trilogy and can’t bother with the first…yet I run a blog for people who probably have Star Wars tattoos…yes I am talking to you…loser… Daisy Ridley….I’ll be watching you…and let’s hope you make me lots of money when I leak your nudes…because I think I deserve a piece of the Star Wars hype…even if I don’t leave my couch or talk to other humans. The post Daisy Ridley for ASOS Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .