Tag Archives: rob zombie

INTERVIEW: Sandra Bernhard Says ‘It’s Too Late’ To Remake ‘The King of Comedy’

A longstanding gig will keep   Sandra Bernhard  from attending the Tribeca Film Festival’s closing-night screening of The King of Comedy on April 27, but it’s not like she needs her memory jogged. The comedienne recalls that making Martin Scorsese’s prescient and oh-so-dark 1982 comedy about a deluded stand-up comic ( Robert De Niro ) who kidnaps his favorite talk-show host ( Jerry Lewis ), was a “coming-of-age experience that left me a changed person.” Talk about a breakthrough. Bernhard played Masha, an obsessed  and similarly deluded fan of Lewis’ Jerry Langford character, who after helping to carry out the the kidnapping, entertained the duct-taped Langford in her bra and panties. Great comedy is often deeply unsettling, and Bernhard’s portrayal of Masha is so unabashedly off the wall that she left movie audiences squirming and Jerry Lewis genuinely aghast.  It’s one of the purest comic performances captured on film. Here’s a little taste: The Monster Masha I talked with Bernhard about her experience making the movie, her scene with three-fourths of the British punk band the Clash , and her thoughts on whether a movie as prescient as The King of Comedy could be re-made at a time when the world is full of Rupert Pupkins and Mashas. Movieline: Let’s start with all the talent you beat out for the role of Masha.  You’ve talked about how Debra Winger and Ellen Barkin were in the running, but Meryl Streep wanted that part as well. Any others that come to mind?  Sandra Bernhard:  I had heard that as well. So many people were up for that role, but I don’t know who exactly because they obviously didn’t tell me. I only knew about Ellen because I heard from her directly.  I know that the part kind of came down to me and another actress, but I don’t remember who it was.  Somebody did tell me at one point but it wasn’t anybody really compelling. How has the movie’s meaning for you changed over the years?  I haven’t seen the movie in a long time. How many times can you watch yourself, you know?  It’s uncomfortable.  I am curious to see it again all cleaned up and restored.  The film was so representative of an era in filmmaking when people would  take their time in a scene. It wasn’t a case of rush, rush, rush onto the next moment. You had room to breathe, and I think that in itself made people uncomfortable because the topic was so weird and out of left field at the time.  Now, expectations of fame and desire run so extreme that the film almost seems tame in comparison, but there’s still something about The King of Comedy that’s very disarming and offbeat and something you’ll never see again.  And so those are the emotions I feel. It was very evocative. I agree. One of the reasons the film is so memorable is the way the camera lingers on the discomfort that you and De Niro create in your scenes. It’s very visceral and pure in a way.  Exactly.  All of this extreme in-your-face social media doesn’t really have any impact because it doesn’t breathe. You don’t have to stay with it. As quickly as you look at it, it’s gone. This film has resonance and depth.  It’s made of earth and mud and shit — stuff that sticks to you. And yet, for a film that observes the old rules of filmmaking, it’s pretty prescient when you consider the celebrity-obsessed moment we’re now experiencing.  Yes, but even though it was predicting where things were going to go, it did so in a much more human, relatable way that we’ve lost in the inception of all the things that The King of Comedy predicted. Do you think this movie could be made or remade today? No way.  At one point, Jack Black wanted to remake it, and I was like — I mean I love him, he’s fabulous, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it would have worked. It’s too late to remake it.   We’re here and there’s nothing to really predict.  It’s just an ongoing conversation you have every day of the week like, “Can you believe he’s famous?”  There’s nothing to say about it.  We’re in the middle of it. Scorsese has said making the film was very difficult and trying because of the subject matter, and he and De Niro didn’t work together again until 1989 for Goodfellas .  Was that evident when you were filming? I don’t remember it being that way, but I think Marty puts a lot of his own intellectual and emotional weight into everything he does.  He’s a brooding kind of person and I think that things get under his skin and affect him.  I’m so the opposite.  I just go and do it, and then I pull out of it. I try not to stay with the feelings. Maybe it shook him up in a way that didn’t affect me. When it’s your film and you’re making it, you’ve got a lot more at stake. Do you have one particularly memorable moment of him directing you.  Did you crack Scorsese up? I cracked him up more than once, but I think the most important thing I learned from working with him was keep to things very small.  I was used to working on stage where everything needs to be big and gesticulated and over-the-top.  Whereas, when you’re making a movie, the littlest nuance and the littlest emotion are read very easily when the camera is right there in your face.  So he would always tell me, “tone it down.” Your performance is very real and that makes the movie all the more unsettling.  I remember flinching while watching the film and thinking, “This is so intense.”  It was, and in order to not, like, completely shatter the screen, there had to be a little bit of holding back. You have a scene where you tangle with members of the Clash in the movie: Paul Simonon, Mick Jones and the late Joe Strummer. How did that happen?  Marty was a big fan of theirs, and I think they were in town doing something and he just got them to do the scene.  We shot that in front of the Colony Records on a very, very hot day — sometime in July. It was nuts. They were just smoking and leaning against the place, you know, talking to me, and I said: “look at the street trash….”  It was crazy. Did De Niro or Lewis give you any guidance on the set?  Well, Jerry loves to direct.  Whereas he is not as magnanimous as the rest of them, he would still acknowledge a powerful scene or a great moment by his reaction.  He would register total fear and shock while sitting across the table from this lunatic Jewish girl. He had never seen anything like me. In that respect, the movie also represents a real moment in comedy:  you’ve got Lewis, the old guard, starring opposite you, who was satirizing his brand of Vaudevillian comedy in your nightclub act.  Absolutely. There couldn’t have been two more disparate worlds than the ones Jerry Lewis and I inhabited in 1981 when we shot the picture. Jerry had never been in a movie with a lady like me. I was deconstructing self-deprecating female comedy and the kind of dusty shtick of that generation — my father’s generation. I think that was another reason they liked me for the role: I brought that new avant-garde attitude to the whole thing. Did you improvise the entire dinner scene with Lewis?  There were parameters — points that I needed to get to throughout the scene — but Marty wanted me to bring some of the act I was doing at a time into it, and he just let me go. I was supposed to be this crazy character who was on her own in the world.  And I just tapped into who I was at the time and let it fly. Both Masha and Rupert are incredibly self-involved characters seeking fame and attention. All these years later, it feels like a world of Mashas and Ruperts is being spawned before our eyes.   That certainly was the most prescient part of the movie when you look at it now.  But at least they were interesting, complex characters.  Now they’re just morons.  I’d do anything to see anybody as interesting as the two of us, God forbid. Look at the crap on all the different websites and the blogs.  It’s like, sorry, you’re not cutting the mustard.  You have nothing to add to this conversation.Can it. Will you be in attendance on closing night?  I can’t  be there because I’m performing in Pittsburgh in association with the Andy Warhol Museum . The gig has been on the books for six months now. They wouldn’t let me out of the gig so I said, at least I had more than 15 minutes of fame . Last question.  What are you doing next? I’m on the road doing my one-woman shows.  I’m in the middle of trying to set up this TV series for myself and another actress, but I don’t want to talk about it as this stage. And I’m shooting a little independent small film in Brooklyn in the fall called Love in Brooklyn .  It’s a cute film that supposed to take place in the ‘80s.  It has a dance vibe to it. Follow Frank DiGiacomo on  Twitter. Follow Movieline on  Twitter.

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INTERVIEW: Sandra Bernhard Says ‘It’s Too Late’ To Remake ‘The King of Comedy’

REVIEW: Rob Zombie’s ‘The Lords Of Salem’ Doesn’t Deliver The Shiver

Less inferno than slow burn, Rob Zombie’s retro witch thriller The Lords of Salem has plenty of portent but not much payoff. Likely to disappoint die-hard fans of The Devil’s Rejects  and other Zombie atrocities, this milder brew still has ’70s-esque style to spare and sports a likable lead perf by Sheri Moon Zombie as a DJ seemingly spun by Satan’s spawn into the lower depths. Theatrical play will pale beside the pic’s ancillary afterlife, although “Lords” isn’t potent enough to rule in either realm. With torture porn having been snuffed out many moons ago, Zombie hasn’t picked a bad time to tone himself down. Still, as even PG-rated horror has a duty to deliver on some level, the helmer’s narrative dead end here registers not as a lack of nerve so much as a lack of imagination. Following a tongue-in-cheek prologue set in the late 1600s and showing a witches’ coven getting burned to a crisp, we arrive in the present day, which for Zombie looks and sounds a helluva lot like 1974. Recovering addict Heidi ( Sheri Moon Zombie in blond dreadlocks), who lives in a rundown Boston apartment, and co-host of the latenight “Salem Rocks” show, thinks she sees someone or something moving around the unrented unit down the hall. Then at work, she gets an ancient-looking vinyl platter from a band called the Lords that freaks her out even more. Full of cacophonous bow-sawing and mumbled incantations, this patently avant-garde long-player goes out over the airwaves and puts even listeners at home in a trance. Several scares later and poor Heidi is back on the crackpipe, making it tough for the viewer to tell whether her subsequent visions of the damned are drug-induced or directed by a force even more malevolent than Zombie. Meanwhile, the exhaustive research of occult scholar Francis Matthais ( Bruce Davison ) puts him in the company of three middle-aged women ( Patricia Quinn, Dee Wallace, Judy Geeson ) so antiquatedly hospitable, they could pass as pure evil in some quarters. All of this builds to Heidi being transported by some means or another to 17th-century Salem but not much farther, as the pic simply poops out around the 90-minute mark, leaving an end-credits sequence where an ending ought to be. In terms of tech credits, The Lords of Salem  has its virtues. A handful of setpieces come on like vintage Ken Russell , with Sheri Moon Zombie, her face painted a ghostly white, looking like a human sacrifice or Marilyn Manson groupie . Brandon Trost’s color-bleached widescreen cinematography is particularly well suited to rendering the heroine’s dingy abode and the city’s autumnal chill. Zombie, having proven himself a connoisseur of gloomy ’60s and ’70s pop rock, here delivers another killer playlist, although his pick of the Velvet Underground’s “Venus in Furs” seems a touch obvious. More on The Lords of Salem:   INTERVIEW: Rob Zombie Says ‘The Lords of Salem’ Is ‘Pretty Out There’ But ‘The Walking Dead’ Is Not Follow Movieline on  Twitter.

More here:
REVIEW: Rob Zombie’s ‘The Lords Of Salem’ Doesn’t Deliver The Shiver

TRIBECA: Welcome To ‘The Machine’ − Photos From Sci-Fi Thriller Depict Sexy Svedka-Style Cyborg

One of the more intriguing science-fiction films screening at the Tribeca Film Festival is The Machine .  Directed by Caradog James , whose last film was the 2006 racism dramedy Little White Lies , The Machine is ostensibly about a scientist obsessed with building a cybernetic super soldier. That’s a familiar storyline, but based on the clues found in the synopsis and a batch of production stills that have been released, film   looks like it may have as much to do with gender politics as it does with super soldiers. Here’s part of the synopsis from the Tribeca Film Festival Handbook: Already deep into a second Cold War, Britain’s Ministry of Defence seeks a game-changing weapon and enlists brilliant programmer Vincent McCarthy to research and develop a cybernetic super soldier in a secret governmental lab. When a programming bug causes his prototype to run amok, McCarthy takes his obsessive efforts underground, far away from inquisitive eyes. Soon he has perfected the ideal marriage of human and machine in his ultimate creation, a beautiful and dangerous being that may be the key to ending the endless war, but a sentience stirring inside the machine puts everyone’s plans in jeopardy. Now, pay special attention to the first two photos: There are more than two cyborgs in the movie apparently, and at least two are women.  The actress in the second photo, with the Flock of Seagulls haircut and nasty incision on her head  is Pooneh Hajimohammadi , but the second half of the synopsis reveals that another actress will be playing one of the cyborgs and that, gulp, “technoromance” takes place. It’s like the Svedka vodka ad came to life. With rare vision, jaw-dropping special effects and Caity Lotz’s (The Pact) versatile and nuanced interpretation of a machine that may be the most human character of all, visionary director Caradog James fully realizes his unique future dystopia. The Machine is an entertaining, thought-provoking techno romance and the latest gripping sci-fi adventure to come out of the U.K. Here’s Lotz in the exclusive Yahoo! trailer: Gentlemen Prefer Blond Cyborgs Well, helloooo, ladies! The film premieres at the film festival on Saturday. Follow Frank DiGiacomo on  Twitter. Follow Movieline on  Twitter. 

TRIBECA: Welcome To ‘The Machine’ − Photos From Sci-Fi Thriller Depict Sexy Svedka-Style Cyborg

INTERVIEW: Rob Zombie Says ‘The Lords of Salem’ Is ‘Pretty Out There’ But ‘The Walking Dead’ Is Not

What horror fan doesn’t watch  The Walking Dead ?  Musician and filmmaker Rob Zombie jokes it’s because he needs to catch up on  Cheers first, but the reality is he’s a horror purist who takes the genre very seriously.  That dedication led to Bob Weinstein handpicking him to relaunch the  Halloween   franchise back in 2007, and  Paranormal Activity   and  Insidious  producers Jason Blum and Oren Peli seeking out Zombie to direct an original horror flick. They certainly got one in The Lords of Salem . Blum and Peli gave Zombie complete creative control over the feature, and he marvels at what that freedom allowed him to accomplish.  “I remember the first time I watched this movie with an audience.  The whole last chunk of the movie I was like ‘Wow. This really could only be made without studio meddling,” Zombie told me, adding: “‘ Cause it’s pretty out there .” How out there?  Zombie said friends have told him “Man, it’s weird.  No, it’s weirder than that…No, it’s still weirder than that!” But Zombie says he doesn’t worry about his work being accepted by the mainstream.  “I really just do what I like,” he explained. “I don’t understand what the general public likes sometimes.” In fact, Zombie feels there’s only two things you can count on with universal appeal: Coca-Cola and the Beatles . Check out my full in-depth interview below: More on The Lords of Salem :  WATCH: Rob Zombie’s ‘The Lords Of Salem’ Trailer Looks Like A Crust-Punk ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ WATCH: ‘The Lords of Salem’ Video − Rob Zombie Channels Rodgers & Hammerstein

Mickey Rourke Is a Serial Killer?

Filed under: We’re Just Sayin’ , Mickey Rourke Here’s babysitter hunter Michael Myers on the movie poster for “H2” (left) — and refurbished Oscar nom Mickey Rourke at an event last month in New York City (right).One of them is wearing a popular Halloween mask.We’re just sayin’. See Also … Permalink

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Mickey Rourke Is a Serial Killer?