Tag Archives: robert shapiro

Lindsay Lohan Hires O.J. Simpson Lawyer Robert Shapiro

New attorney will reportedly try to eliminate or minimize jail time in favor of rehab stay. By Kara Warner Lindsay Lohan in court July 6 Photo: David McNew/ Getty Images It appears that the various rumblings regarding Lindsay Lohan’s new legal counsel are true: The troubled star has secured experienced criminal defense attorney Robert Shapiro, who famously represented O.J. Simpson in his 1994 murder trial. According to TMZ , Shapiro does not have plans to appeal Lohan’s 90-day jail sentence but will try to convince Judge Marsha Revel to put Lindsay in a rehab facility and either eliminate or minimize jail time. Shapiro’s son Brent died of a MDMA drug overdose in 2005, and the website reports that the laywer has a specific plan and place in mind for Lohan: a live-in rehab facility with which he is said to be involved. Shapiro has not yet shared his thoughts on his new client to any major media outlets,

Robert Shapiro Will Rep Lindsay Lohan

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan , Robert Shapiro , OJ Simpson , Judge Marsha Revel , Celebrity Justice TMZ has learned famed lawyer Robert Shapiro will represent Lindsay Lohan in her jail saga, but we’re told Shapiro’s plan is not to appeal Lindsay’s 90-day jail sentence. Sources say Shapiro, who was part of the team that successfully repped O.J. Simpson… Read more

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Robert Shapiro Will Rep Lindsay Lohan

Michael Lohan Wants OJ Lawyer for Lindsay

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Lindsay Lohan Michael Lohan is trying to enlist the help of famed lawyer Robert Shapiro in Lindsay Lohan’s DUI probation case … this after M.L. was shut down by the judge on Friday.Michael was a no-show for Lindsay’s hearing Thursday, but on Friday he went to … Permalink

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Michael Lohan Wants OJ Lawyer for Lindsay