Tag Archives: rolling-stones

Louis Vuitton rocks with Keith Richards

(Click on the image to see it full size.) Here we have rockstar legend Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones fame doing an ad for Louis Vuitton. The caption Continue reading

Like A Rolling Stone…

The Rolling stones are performing since 1964 and they are very popular around the globe. Continue reading

What a Croc!

Nothing screams “I’m an American tourist” louder than blue crocs.

Kevin Costner and Cindy Silva: $80 million Celebrity Divorce

(Getty images) Length of Marriage: 16 years Children: Three Filed for Divorce: 1994 Amount of Settlement : $80 million Kevin Costner and Cindy Silva. The Skinny:

Harrison Ford and Melissa Mathison: $85 million and future earnings Celebrity Divorce

(Getty images) Length of Marriage: 21 years Children: Two Filed for Divorce: 2004 Amount of Settlement : $85 million Harrison Ford and Melissa Mathison. The Skinny:

Michael Jordan and Juanita Vanoy: $168 million Celebrity Divorce

After 17 years of a marriage that included candlelight dinners, expensive jewelry gifts, and dozens of roses, Michael and Juanita Jordan divorced. Earlier attempts at reconciliation failed. Here is information about their marriage and more.
Born: Michael Jeffrey Jordan: February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York.

Juanita Vanoy: Abt. June 13, 1959. Juanita was raised in South Side Chicago.

How Michael and Juanita Met: Juanita and Michael were introduced to one another by a mutual friend at a Chicago Bennigan’s restaurant in 1984. A few weeks later they met again at a party given by their friend. About six months later Juanita and Michael were dating one another on a regular basis.

Michael proposed to Juanita at Nick’s Fish Market in Chicago on December 31, 1987. Although she said yes, they decided to call off their engagement and wait for nearly a year before discussing marriage again.

Ages at Wedding: Michael, 26; Juanita, 30.
Wedding Date: Michael and Juanita were married in a ten-minute ceremony on September 2, 1989 in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Little White Wedding Chapel in the very early hours of the morning. Michael gave Juanita a five-karat marquise diamond ring. There were four guests at their wedding.

Juanita and Michael signed a post-nuptial agreement a year and a half after their wedding.

Marriage Issues: In January 2002, Juanita filed for divorce citing irreconcilable differences. One month later, hoping to reconcile, she withdrew the divorce petition.

On December 29, 2006, citing irreconcilable differences, the couple’s lawyers announced “Michael and Juanita Jordan mutually and amicably decided to end their 17 year marriage. A judgment for dissolution of their marriage was entered today. There will be no further statements.”
Source: SFGate.com

The divorce announcement came as no surprise to many since Michael and Juanita have lived separately since February 2006.

Children: Michael and Juanita have three children:

  • Jeffrey Michael Jordan: Born November 18, 1988.
  • Marcus James Jordan: Born December 24, 1990.
  • Jasmine Mickael Jordan: Born December 7, 1992.
Occupations: Michael: Professional basketball star, actor, author, businessman.

Juanita: Former model, former executive secretary for the American Bar Association. As of 2000, Juanita was the co-founder and chairman of The Michael and Juanita Jordan Endowment Fund. In April 2006, Juanita was working in real estate.

Residence: Michael and Juanita have a home north of Chicago in Highland Park, Illinois. It is a 25,000-square-foot home with six bedrooms on seven and a half acres. The home has a guest house, an indoor/outdoor swimming pool, Jacuzzi, and sauna along with room to park Michael’s many automobiles.

Quotes About Marriage:

Juanita about Michael, March 2000: “He is a great husband and father. He is very attentive, romantic and affectionate, and when he is away for a period of time, he sends me roses. He knows that I love roses.”
Source: Ebony, March 2000

Jordan about Juanita: “I like independent people. She always was very independent. She knew hot to work and provide for herself, which is what I loved. I love her and I never wanted to take her away from her independence. She still does what she wants, and I love for her to do that. Sher is more of the stern side of this relationship. And I like that.”
Source: Ebony, November 1, 1991.

Juanita about Michael: “He’s affectionate and romantic. We often have candlelight dinners. He likes champagne, and he sends me flowers all the time. He never forgets a birthday or anniversary, and he loves buying jewelry. He picks out clothes for me all the time. He has good taste.”
Source: Ebony, November 1, 1991.

See the rest here:
#1: Michael Jordan and Juanita Vanoy: $168 million

Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall: $25 million Celebrity Divorce

(Photo Agency) Length of Marriage: 9 years Children: Four Filed for Divorce: 1999 Amount of Settlement : $25 million Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall. The Skinny: