Tag Archives: ronaldreagan

Michael Steele Spent RNC Money on Bottle Service at a Bondage Club (Updated) [What Up]

Michael Steele is just wasting RNC money on limos and private planes and, yes, private bondage-themed nightclubs with topless ladies. Update: A Republican consultant charged the trip to the RNC, and the party says Chairman Mike was not actually there. Tucker Carlson’s The Daily Carlsoning has a wonderful story about how Michael Steele considered buying a private plane, because he spends so much time flying to nightclubs and Hawaii, but he decided not to. Instead he found many other creative ways to waste money. Once on the ground, FEC filings suggest, Steele travels in style. A February RNC trip to California, for example, included a $9,099 stop at the Beverly Hills Hotel, $6,596 dropped at the nearby Four Seasons, and $1,620.71 spent [update: the amount is actually $1,946.25] at Voyeur West Hollywood , a bondage-themed nightclub featuring topless women dancers imitating lesbian sex. Now, Voyeur is not really a “strip club” so much as a terrible-sounding nightclub with bottle service, long lines, Lindsay Lohan, and, yes, half-naked ladies simulating oral sex on each other. Which, to be honest, sounds way stupider than a proper, respectable strip club. Shame on you, Michael Steele, for encouraging this kind of thing. The GOP really has to get around to firing the embarrassing and inept Michael Steele eventually. Steele spent $1.4 million on the GOP’s terrible new website, he charges $15,000 for speaking appearances , and his RNC continues to spend more than it takes in as we begin the campaign season in earnest. But it would still present a bit of an image problem to fire the one prominent black Republican in America. Update: In a statement, the RNC says Chairman Steele was not present for the Voyeur nightclub trip. That two grand was, apparently, “a reimbursement made to a non-committee staffer.” And the disbursement appears to have covered the check of a Mr. Erik Brown of Orange, California. Brown is a longtime Republican donor and the owner of a direct marketing firm that recently did work for a Republican gubernatorial candidate in California. We emailed Brown to ask if Steele was actually there that night, and we’ll let you know if we hear back from him. ( As Alex Pappas at The Daily Tucker reports, Brown has Tweeted about hanging out with Steele fairly recently. But now Erik has deleted his whole Twitter.)

The rest is here:
Michael Steele Spent RNC Money on Bottle Service at a Bondage Club (Updated) [What Up]

RNC Spent Thousands on ‘Office Supplies’ At Ronald Reagan Gift Shop, Liquor Store [Documents]

While we were digging around the itemized disbursements of the Republican National Committee in search of lesbians , we found a couple trips marked “office supplies” that are both wonderful (and wasteful?) in very different ways. On 2/4 and 2/25, someone picked up $200 worth of supplies from Congressional Liquors on Capitol Hill. And in what I like to imagine was the prelude to a night at the lesbian bondage nightclub, someone spent more than $2,200 at the Ronald Reagan Museum Store in Simi Valley, California, on 2/4, the same day as the infamous Voyeur West Hollywood trip. They apparently needed a little bit more of whatever the hell they bought there, because on 2/18 they went back to spend another $215. A wet office is a happy office, so we do not begrudge the RNC their twice-monthly booze runs, but what does $2,424 even get you from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Museum Store? Hundreds of “Rap Master Ronnie” 12-inches? The original list of names he gave HUAC?

See the article here:
RNC Spent Thousands on ‘Office Supplies’ At Ronald Reagan Gift Shop, Liquor Store [Documents]

Ronald Reagan’s Grandson — Wanted Man

Filed under: Celebrity Justice A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Ronald Reagan’s grandson after dude blew off a court date for a marijuana arrest … an arrest that flew right under the radar. TMZ has learned Cameron Reagan was arrested on November 9, 2009 — after cops … Permalink

See the article here:
Ronald Reagan’s Grandson — Wanted Man