Tag Archives: saved-millions

Where That Green $32 Billion Went: Recovery Act Update

Photo: US Army, CC It was the first big move made by the Obama administration, and yet the stimulus bill remains controversial and largely misunderstood. There’s little disagreement among economists that the Recovery Act spared the US from slipping into a full-bore depression, or that it created or saved millions of jobs. And yet, according to polls, most Americans feel that it did little to help the country, or themselves in particular — questions about ‘where all that money went’ are commonplace. So let’s take a look. Remember, bi… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Where That Green $32 Billion Went: Recovery Act Update

BP Helped Write CA’s Public School Environmental Curriculum

Image via Washington Times In the post- Deepwater Horizon explosion rush to expose every devious, idiotic, two-faced, greedy, and hypocritical move BP has every made, the media has brought us a veritable treasure trove of anecdotes and revelations: BP saved millions by cutting corners on the destroyed rig. BP had shady connections to the Lockerbie bomber. BP licensed

BP Helped Write CA’s Public School Environmental Curriculum