Tag Archives: serial-killers

Taylor Swift’s Leg Show Will Get You Up

I don’t tend to watch much TV in the morning unless it involves cartoon characters or I passed out on the couch, so I can’t say that I caught Taylor Swift performing on Good Morning America . But after seeing these pictures of the sweet leg show she put on, it kind of makes me wish that I had. I’m pretty sure blogger regulations prevent us from setting an alarm in the morning (same goes for wearing non-elastic waistband pants), but I’d be willing to make an exception for some hot pop star leg action. Because these stems could get me up in a hurry. …I’m talking about the Little Tuna, just to be clear. Only losers and serial killers get out of bed before noon. » view all 25 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Taylor Swift’s Leg Show Will Get You Up

NYC serial killers 2012

According to ABC, the FBI is now involved in the search for the number eight NYC serial killer. So far, there are no suspects. But detectives desire to question a man they are calling “John Doe Duffel Bag” who was spotted by surveillance cameras near the most recent incident at She She Boutique. Investigators discovered after ballistics testing of .22-caliber gun shell casings found at the scene that the gun used in the Friday shooting matches the same one used in the two prior killings. The NY

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NYC serial killers 2012

Kid Cudi Goes On A Killing Spree In “Maniac” Short Film


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Are you in need of a scare this Halloween? Kid Cudi has got you covered in his latest video for “Maniac”. The 10-minute short film, shot in black-and-white documentary-style, starts with a house blazing on fire on a quiet suburban street, the handiwork of Cudi and fellow MC Cage as French serial killers on the … More » Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Idolator Discovery Date : 31/10/2011 20:44 Number of articles : 3

Kid Cudi Goes On A Killing Spree In “Maniac” Short Film

Mean Martha Stewart Book Excerpts: Celebrity Edition [Books]

It’s time for more excerpts from 2010’s most backstabbing tell-all book , The Best of Friends [sarcasm!]: Martha and Me by Mariana Pasternak . Today: Martha’s frenemy mocks Martha’s calculating interactions with Anthony Hopkins, Richard Meier, and Billy Tauzin. Mariana Pasternak does not approve of Martha’s humorous insinuation that she would bone Anthony Hopkins only if she enjoyed the cock of serial killers: Mariana Pasternak does not approve of Martha’s jealous behavior when celebrity architect Richard Meier is trying to finger Mariana under the table! Mariana Pasternak does not approve of Martha’s sly political manipulations, either: [Martha, we must reiterate our insistence that you email us your side of the story at once . This lady is actually making us sympathize with you, which is detrimental to our sworn feud .]

See the article here:
Mean Martha Stewart Book Excerpts: Celebrity Edition [Books]

Serial killer next door..not so uncommon

So far I think, they’ve pulled 11 decomposing bodies from Anthony Sowell’s Cleveland house of horrors. And the whole country is shocked that he got away with his little hobby for so long.

See the article here:
Serial killer next door..not so uncommon