Tag Archives: seventh-season

Taylor Swift Under Fire: Why Is "Look What You Made Me Do" So Widely Hated?

In the three years since her last studio album   was released to record-breaking sales and rapturous reviews, Taylor Swift has endured two high profile breakups and a string of increasingly ugly celebrity feuds. For the past several months, she’s kept a low profile, spacing out her social media posts and refusing to acknowledge the petty shade thrown by her detractors. When we first learned that Taylor had new music on the way – and that she planned to address her haters in song form – the anticipation from fans couldn’t have been much higher. Unfortunately, while the single released last night delivered on the expected drama, it also met with mostly negative reactions from both actual music critics and the self-appointed variety who love to sound off on Twitter. Taylor has become an easy target over the past year, and we all know how much the angry social media hordes love to dogpile celebs struggling with public image crises, but in this case, the attackers have a point. Not only is “Look What You Made Me Do” lazy and uninspired (We wish we were joking when we say portions of the melody were lifted from Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy” .), it sends a troubling message about the importance of staying angry and settling old scores at any cost. With lyrics like “I got mine, but you’ll all get yours” sounding like they were ripped from the manifesto of a disgruntled postal worker with an NRA membership, the song is an impassioned ode to the power of poisonous grudges. “I got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined,” Taylor sing-threatens at one point, giving us a taste of what Arya Stark would sound like if she developed a taste for awkward rhyme schemes. Sadly, the whole single is like this, and Taylor seems painfully unaware that her edgy new image feels as forced and unnatural as that British accent Madonna rocked for a while. Naturally, the lines that have garnered the most attention are the ones that seem to be directed at specific rivals. Taylor has beefed with Katy Perry , Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Diplo, Calvin Harris, and many others in the years since 1989 marked what might be looked back on as the high point of her career. Her forthcoming album will likely address all of those feuds, indirectly or otherwise, but fans who have painstakingly unpacked the lyrics believe that “Look What You Made Me Do” is aimed primarily at Kanye. At one point, Taylor sings, “I don’t like your tilted stage,” which could be a play on un-level playing field imagery … or a very specific reference to the lopsided floating platform West performed on during his most recent tour. Many have pointed out that Taylor’s album hits stores on the tenth anniversary of the death of Kanye’s mother. In all likelihood, that’s nothing more an unfortunate coincidence. Fortunately for Taylor, it’s not like Kanye’s the type of egomaniac who thinks everything is about him. J/k, he’s probably in the studio penning a diss verse over the beat of Tupac’s “Hit ‘Em Up” at this very moment. But the biggest problems with “Look What You Made Me Do” have less to do with the mental gymnastics Taylor performs in order to position herself as the eternal victim, and more to do with the structural problems of the song itself. It’s a slapdash effort that Swift would’ve been wise to pawn off on a lesser-known artist, as it’s simply a poor fit for her. The song’s most embarrassing moments are saved for its final seconds, when, after crooning, “I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me” several times, Taylor ratchets up the goth-y angst with a cringe-worthy spoken word snippet: “I’m sorry, but the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now,” the singer breathlessly murmurs. “Why? Oh, because she’s dead.” Hopefully the new Taylor has access to a Ouija board, because she desperately needs to recruit her old self as a writing partner. View Slideshow: 8 People Who Don’t Totally Love Taylor Swift

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Taylor Swift Under Fire: Why Is "Look What You Made Me Do" So Widely Hated?

Taylor Swift Under Fire: Why Is "Look What You Made Me Do" So Widely Hated?

In the three years since her last studio album   was released to record-breaking sales and rapturous reviews, Taylor Swift has endured two high profile breakups and a string of increasingly ugly celebrity feuds. For the past several months, she’s kept a low profile, spacing out her social media posts and refusing to acknowledge the petty shade thrown by her detractors. When we first learned that Taylor had new music on the way – and that she planned to address her haters in song form – the anticipation from fans couldn’t have been much higher. Unfortunately, while the single released last night delivered on the expected drama, it also met with mostly negative reactions from both actual music critics and the self-appointed variety who love to sound off on Twitter. Taylor has become an easy target over the past year, and we all know how much the angry social media hordes love to dogpile celebs struggling with public image crises, but in this case, the attackers have a point. Not only is “Look What You Made Me Do” lazy and uninspired (We wish we were joking when we say portions of the melody were lifted from Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy” .), it sends a troubling message about the importance of staying angry and settling old scores at any cost. With lyrics like “I got mine, but you’ll all get yours” sounding like they were ripped from the manifesto of a disgruntled postal worker with an NRA membership, the song is an impassioned ode to the power of poisonous grudges. “I got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined,” Taylor sing-threatens at one point, giving us a taste of what Arya Stark would sound like if she developed a taste for awkward rhyme schemes. Sadly, the whole single is like this, and Taylor seems painfully unaware that her edgy new image feels as forced and unnatural as that British accent Madonna rocked for a while. Naturally, the lines that have garnered the most attention are the ones that seem to be directed at specific rivals. Taylor has beefed with Katy Perry , Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Diplo, Calvin Harris, and many others in the years since 1989 marked what might be looked back on as the high point of her career. Her forthcoming album will likely address all of those feuds, indirectly or otherwise, but fans who have painstakingly unpacked the lyrics believe that “Look What You Made Me Do” is aimed primarily at Kanye. At one point, Taylor sings, “I don’t like your tilted stage,” which could be a play on un-level playing field imagery … or a very specific reference to the lopsided floating platform West performed on during his most recent tour. Many have pointed out that Taylor’s album hits stores on the tenth anniversary of the death of Kanye’s mother. In all likelihood, that’s nothing more an unfortunate coincidence. Fortunately for Taylor, it’s not like Kanye’s the type of egomaniac who thinks everything is about him. J/k, he’s probably in the studio penning a diss verse over the beat of Tupac’s “Hit ‘Em Up” at this very moment. But the biggest problems with “Look What You Made Me Do” have less to do with the mental gymnastics Taylor performs in order to position herself as the eternal victim, and more to do with the structural problems of the song itself. It’s a slapdash effort that Swift would’ve been wise to pawn off on a lesser-known artist, as it’s simply a poor fit for her. The song’s most embarrassing moments are saved for its final seconds, when, after crooning, “I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me” several times, Taylor ratchets up the goth-y angst with a cringe-worthy spoken word snippet: “I’m sorry, but the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now,” the singer breathlessly murmurs. “Why? Oh, because she’s dead.” Hopefully the new Taylor has access to a Ouija board, because she desperately needs to recruit her old self as a writing partner. View Slideshow: 8 People Who Don’t Totally Love Taylor Swift

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Taylor Swift Under Fire: Why Is "Look What You Made Me Do" So Widely Hated?

Sarah Stage: I Don’t Photoshop These Abs!

People love to body-shame Sarah Stage, who doesn’t let pregnancy come between her and her six-pack of rock-hard abs. Even when Sarah Stage reveals her pregnancy weight , people want to jump on her case and say that she can’t possibly be healthy. But now people are attacking her from a different angle — claiming that the fit mom just edits her photos to look that way! Sarah Stage made headlines in 2015 for her minor baby bump and clearly defined six-pack abs. She delivered a healthy baby boy. This year, she’s been making headlines again for, yet again, flaunting her killer abs throughout her pregnancy. She’s due in October, which is getting closer and closer. (We’re almost in September, you guys) As you can see, she looks amazing for a woman 31 weeks into her pregnancy. She. Looks. Incredible . She’s only gained 18 pounds from her pregnancy, but we don’t have any reason to believe that this is an unhealthy weight. Some people balloon up during pregnancy, and others just look like they’re smuggling a balloon under their shirts. It mostly has to do with genetic predispositions, of the mother but also of the baby daddy (a lot of pregnancy’s less pleasant experiences are the result of the fetus hijacking the body) Though, in Sarah Stage’s case, her insane workouts (even while pregnant) are obviously a major factor. Recently, some fans spotted Sarah Stage out and about, wearing a pair of mom jeans and a billowy, comfy shirt with what looked like a more “normal” baby bump. Not the sort of baby bump that you’d expect to see at 31 weeks, but more than you see in the white bikini photo that we showed you above, which was shared the same day that Sarah was spotted. People started to whisper that maybe she uses photo editing software, because a lot of people are shockingly unable to grasp that makeup and posing have a massive impact on how somebody looks. Sarah’s representative responded to the accusations by shutting them down: “Sarah would never Photoshop any photo.” Some fitness models might resort to photoshop, but that could ruin their reputation — so why risk it? “She shares her images with her audience to embrace all different body types and her pregnancy. She’s been shamed through both pregnancies. She’s trying to put her journey out there to encourage others.” She’s working to reduce body-shaming. We shouldn’t shame women for being large or small, when pregnant or not pregnant. Specifically, on Sarah being spotted wearing normal clothes, like a human, her rep dismissed it pretty handily: “This goes to show that Sarah is just a regular mom, on the go, wearing comfy clothing as she runs errands.” Consider this: who out there has ever taken a bikini photo without sucking in their gut, or angling to look the best that they could? Some people, probably. But not, as a rule, fitness models. Their abs are their moneymakers. We have a feeling that Sarah Stage doesn’t do her bonkers workouts just to fake it for the camera.

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Sarah Stage: I Don’t Photoshop These Abs!

Sarah Stage: I Don’t Photoshop These Abs!

People love to body-shame Sarah Stage, who doesn’t let pregnancy come between her and her six-pack of rock-hard abs. Even when Sarah Stage reveals her pregnancy weight , people want to jump on her case and say that she can’t possibly be healthy. But now people are attacking her from a different angle — claiming that the fit mom just edits her photos to look that way! Sarah Stage made headlines in 2015 for her minor baby bump and clearly defined six-pack abs. She delivered a healthy baby boy. This year, she’s been making headlines again for, yet again, flaunting her killer abs throughout her pregnancy. She’s due in October, which is getting closer and closer. (We’re almost in September, you guys) As you can see, she looks amazing for a woman 31 weeks into her pregnancy. She. Looks. Incredible . She’s only gained 18 pounds from her pregnancy, but we don’t have any reason to believe that this is an unhealthy weight. Some people balloon up during pregnancy, and others just look like they’re smuggling a balloon under their shirts. It mostly has to do with genetic predispositions, of the mother but also of the baby daddy (a lot of pregnancy’s less pleasant experiences are the result of the fetus hijacking the body) Though, in Sarah Stage’s case, her insane workouts (even while pregnant) are obviously a major factor. Recently, some fans spotted Sarah Stage out and about, wearing a pair of mom jeans and a billowy, comfy shirt with what looked like a more “normal” baby bump. Not the sort of baby bump that you’d expect to see at 31 weeks, but more than you see in the white bikini photo that we showed you above, which was shared the same day that Sarah was spotted. People started to whisper that maybe she uses photo editing software, because a lot of people are shockingly unable to grasp that makeup and posing have a massive impact on how somebody looks. Sarah’s representative responded to the accusations by shutting them down: “Sarah would never Photoshop any photo.” Some fitness models might resort to photoshop, but that could ruin their reputation — so why risk it? “She shares her images with her audience to embrace all different body types and her pregnancy. She’s been shamed through both pregnancies. She’s trying to put her journey out there to encourage others.” She’s working to reduce body-shaming. We shouldn’t shame women for being large or small, when pregnant or not pregnant. Specifically, on Sarah being spotted wearing normal clothes, like a human, her rep dismissed it pretty handily: “This goes to show that Sarah is just a regular mom, on the go, wearing comfy clothing as she runs errands.” Consider this: who out there has ever taken a bikini photo without sucking in their gut, or angling to look the best that they could? Some people, probably. But not, as a rule, fitness models. Their abs are their moneymakers. We have a feeling that Sarah Stage doesn’t do her bonkers workouts just to fake it for the camera.

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Sarah Stage: I Don’t Photoshop These Abs!

Amanda Stanton: Josh Murray Grossed Me Out, Actually

Everybody gets asked about their exes, especially celebrities. Especially celebrities who fell in love in front of an audience. Amanda Stanton and Josh Murray fell in love on camera, and then promptly fell out of love. Police were called , so we think that it’s safe to say that there were some hard feelings. So when she was finally asked about one particular “flaw” of Josh’s, we suppose that it’s no surprise that Amanda didn’t hold back. She says that he was kinda gross. Okay, so, Amanda Stanton and Josh Murray feel for each other on the previous season of Bachelor in Paradise . She’s on this season, too — remember when she was mom-shamed for daring to be a reality star? (People gave her a hard time for going on Bachelor in Paradise when she’s a mom but, as she pointed out when she clapped back, it really doesn’t take that long to film) But way back on Season 3, the two of them fell for each other. They even cuddled quite conspicuously, which turns out to be strangely relevant to this story: Josh proposed to Amanda, she said yes, and they went off together, happily ever … temporarily. Amanda Stanton and Josh Murray broke up , which isn’t really surprising when you look at the success rate of reality relationships. (Or actual relationships, for that matter) They’ve clearly gone their separate ways. Josh Murray says that he’s totally over Amanda Stanton , and they’re both moving on. But when Amanda Stanton was interviewed recently for a podcast that is “charmingly” called The Morning Breath , we guess that she felt that it was time to let loose what she’d been holding back. This wasn’t about her breakup with Josh Murray or about the sex or about this season of Bachelor in Paradise — it was about Josh Murray looking sweaty on camera back during season 3. Amanda Stanton doesn’t start off being harsh, but she definitely acknowledges that she noticed. You could see that Josh had been sweating through his shirt, very visibly. “I don’t know. I mean, it is really hot there — I don’t really sweat at all and I would get a little bit sweaty there — but I think it was like a health condition.” It’s filmed in Mexico, so we totally get it. And there are plenty of health conditions that can cause excess sweating. So can things like certain foods, consumption of alcohol, and just genetic predispositions. You know how they hug on camera when they choose each other (among other times?) Amanda confessed that those were some gross moments for her. “I remember at the end, I was trying — like I was really happy, but he would like, hug me and I was kind of grossed out. His shirt was soaking wet.” Sweat does feel genuinely unpleasant. She gets kind of mean about it, though. “With Josh and I, there were so many things that were great. But there was just something that felt a little bit off — he’s a sweaty person.” She’s not blaming their breakup on his body’s sweat glands. We do wonder what the factors involved were, because we’d think that “Mexico is as hot as the surface of the sun and everybody’s drinking all day” would explain any sweat to anybody’s satisfaction. No “health condition” required. (Though they’re no longer allowed to drink as much, given Bachelor in Paradise ‘s new rules ) But maybe it persisted when they were living together. The fact of the matter is that different folks are wired differently. Some people think that 70 degrees is too cold, others think it’s too hot, and others think that it’s just right. Similarly, different amounts of sweat are normal or abnormal for different individuals. We wish that Amanda Stanton would be a little nicer about it, but we also hope that her next love doesn’t make her feel like she’s just been slimed. We guess that we should keep an eye out for who has the driest skin in Paradise this season, huh? View Slideshow: Bachelor in Paradise Season 4: Who’s In?!?

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Amanda Stanton: Josh Murray Grossed Me Out, Actually

Amanda Stanton: Josh Murray Grossed Me Out, Actually

Everybody gets asked about their exes, especially celebrities. Especially celebrities who fell in love in front of an audience. Amanda Stanton and Josh Murray fell in love on camera, and then promptly fell out of love. Police were called , so we think that it’s safe to say that there were some hard feelings. So when she was finally asked about one particular “flaw” of Josh’s, we suppose that it’s no surprise that Amanda didn’t hold back. She says that he was kinda gross. Okay, so, Amanda Stanton and Josh Murray feel for each other on the previous season of Bachelor in Paradise . She’s on this season, too — remember when she was mom-shamed for daring to be a reality star? (People gave her a hard time for going on Bachelor in Paradise when she’s a mom but, as she pointed out when she clapped back, it really doesn’t take that long to film) But way back on Season 3, the two of them fell for each other. They even cuddled quite conspicuously, which turns out to be strangely relevant to this story: Josh proposed to Amanda, she said yes, and they went off together, happily ever … temporarily. Amanda Stanton and Josh Murray broke up , which isn’t really surprising when you look at the success rate of reality relationships. (Or actual relationships, for that matter) They’ve clearly gone their separate ways. Josh Murray says that he’s totally over Amanda Stanton , and they’re both moving on. But when Amanda Stanton was interviewed recently for a podcast that is “charmingly” called The Morning Breath , we guess that she felt that it was time to let loose what she’d been holding back. This wasn’t about her breakup with Josh Murray or about the sex or about this season of Bachelor in Paradise — it was about Josh Murray looking sweaty on camera back during season 3. Amanda Stanton doesn’t start off being harsh, but she definitely acknowledges that she noticed. You could see that Josh had been sweating through his shirt, very visibly. “I don’t know. I mean, it is really hot there — I don’t really sweat at all and I would get a little bit sweaty there — but I think it was like a health condition.” It’s filmed in Mexico, so we totally get it. And there are plenty of health conditions that can cause excess sweating. So can things like certain foods, consumption of alcohol, and just genetic predispositions. You know how they hug on camera when they choose each other (among other times?) Amanda confessed that those were some gross moments for her. “I remember at the end, I was trying — like I was really happy, but he would like, hug me and I was kind of grossed out. His shirt was soaking wet.” Sweat does feel genuinely unpleasant. She gets kind of mean about it, though. “With Josh and I, there were so many things that were great. But there was just something that felt a little bit off — he’s a sweaty person.” She’s not blaming their breakup on his body’s sweat glands. We do wonder what the factors involved were, because we’d think that “Mexico is as hot as the surface of the sun and everybody’s drinking all day” would explain any sweat to anybody’s satisfaction. No “health condition” required. (Though they’re no longer allowed to drink as much, given Bachelor in Paradise ‘s new rules ) But maybe it persisted when they were living together. The fact of the matter is that different folks are wired differently. Some people think that 70 degrees is too cold, others think it’s too hot, and others think that it’s just right. Similarly, different amounts of sweat are normal or abnormal for different individuals. We wish that Amanda Stanton would be a little nicer about it, but we also hope that her next love doesn’t make her feel like she’s just been slimed. We guess that we should keep an eye out for who has the driest skin in Paradise this season, huh? View Slideshow: Bachelor in Paradise Season 4: Who’s In?!?

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Amanda Stanton: Josh Murray Grossed Me Out, Actually

Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale Photos: Where’s Daenerys?!

We've known for quite some time that the final two seasons of Game of Thrones would be truncated affairs, but still, we can't help feeling that the show's seventh season finale is upon us far too soon. Fewer episodes has meant a faster pace, which – though fun in some cases – has resulted in some pretty glaring inconsistencies in others. (Based on travel times, Westeros is now apparently the size of Providence, Rhode Island.) Fortunately, the show is in a position to deliver its most explosive season finale to date, which should help placate fans who are feeling slighted. Check out the first photos from “The Wolf and the Dragon” below, and watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to get caught up in time for Sunday night's installment. 1. Tyrion and Jon Look Concerned Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow look worried. Maybe, like everyone else, they’re wondering why the hell the Khaleesi isn’t in any of this week’s promotional photos. 2. Sansa Looks Pissed Which has pretty much been her default state all season. Living with a sister who might want you dead can have that effect. 3. Littlefinger Looks Smug He’s probably the reason Sansa looks so pissed. The man has many talents, and irritating the hell out of everyone is certainly one of them. 4. Bran Sees Things We’re kind of surprised Team Stark has put Bran to better use this season. Seems like an all-knowing oracle would be a good thing to have around. 5. Cersei Is Pregnant And yes, she’ll continue to use that fact to her strategic advantage. She didn’t get to a spot on the Iron Throne by being soft. 6. Theon is Somehow Still Alive If you can call that living. Anyone else involuntarily shudder whenever this poor bastard’s onscreen? View Slideshow

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Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale Photos: Where’s Daenerys?!

Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale Photos: Where’s Daenerys?!

We've known for quite some time that the final two seasons of Game of Thrones would be truncated affairs, but still, we can't help feeling that the show's seventh season finale is upon us far too soon. Fewer episodes has meant a faster pace, which – though fun in some cases – has resulted in some pretty glaring inconsistencies in others. (Based on travel times, Westeros is now apparently the size of Providence, Rhode Island.) Fortunately, the show is in a position to deliver its most explosive season finale to date, which should help placate fans who are feeling slighted. Check out the first photos from “The Wolf and the Dragon” below, and watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to get caught up in time for Sunday night's installment. 1. Tyrion and Jon Look Concerned Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow look worried. Maybe, like everyone else, they’re wondering why the hell the Khaleesi isn’t in any of this week’s promotional photos. 2. Sansa Looks Pissed Which has pretty much been her default state all season. Living with a sister who might want you dead can have that effect. 3. Littlefinger Looks Smug He’s probably the reason Sansa looks so pissed. The man has many talents, and irritating the hell out of everyone is certainly one of them. 4. Bran Sees Things We’re kind of surprised Team Stark has put Bran to better use this season. Seems like an all-knowing oracle would be a good thing to have around. 5. Cersei Is Pregnant And yes, she’ll continue to use that fact to her strategic advantage. She didn’t get to a spot on the Iron Throne by being soft. 6. Theon is Somehow Still Alive If you can call that living. Anyone else involuntarily shudder whenever this poor bastard’s onscreen? View Slideshow

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Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale Photos: Where’s Daenerys?!

The Chainsmokers’ Album Tracklist Is Full of Surprises

The Chainsmokers reveal the full tracklist for their debut album, Memories… Do Not Open.

The Chainsmokers’ Album Tracklist Is Full of Surprises

Happiness And Heartbreak: Here’s What Happened In The Season 7 Finale Of Teen Mom 2

Get a recap of how ‘Teen Mom 2”s seventh season ended.

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Happiness And Heartbreak: Here’s What Happened In The Season 7 Finale Of Teen Mom 2