Tag Archives: several-things

Not So Single: Judge Tosses Out Phaedra Parks And Apollo Nida’s Divorce Decree, Says Phaedra Effed Up Paperwork On Purpose

Phaedra Parks’ Divorce From Apollo Nida Thrown Out Looks like Phaedra may have jumped the gun a bit when she declared her divorce dead and gone — and Apollo may have rushed into a new engagement . According to TMZ , the judge in Phaedra’s divorce trial looked over a few things and ruled that the marriage should actually still stand at this point. The judge said that the divorce proceeding itself wasn’t actually fair to Apollo . Apparently, Apollo was led to believe that he would be able to attend court dates for the divorce from prison, which was never a possibility in the first place. Apparently, Apollo was also not notified about the final hearing, nor was he served with documents to let him know that the divorce was finalized. To top it all off, the judge said he was troubled several things within the divorce paperwork as well, like Phaedra “intentionally misspelling the parties’ names.” Hmmmm, do you think that Phaedra sabotaged her divorce on purpose ? Splash/Bravo

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Not So Single: Judge Tosses Out Phaedra Parks And Apollo Nida’s Divorce Decree, Says Phaedra Effed Up Paperwork On Purpose

Guess the Lionsgate Horror Movie Based on Its Inscrutable Poster Art!

The posters for Lionsgate’s horror movies often have several things in common: they’re gorgeous, they’re frequently photographed by studio chief Tim Palen, and they’re totally baffling and inscrutable. Movieline has rounded up 14 examples of Lionsgate’s poster key art — see if you can tell what movie they belong to (or even what, exactly, they’re supposed to be).

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Guess the Lionsgate Horror Movie Based on Its Inscrutable Poster Art!

The Losers Director Sylvain White on Race, Remakes and Video Games

The success of Stomp the Yard in 2007 might have heralded several things, but few would have predicted that its director, Sylvain White, would suddenly become a familiar name to the fanboy community. Then again, White is a major fanboy himself, and he’s used his heat to attach himself to a number of cult properties, including an adaptation of the Frank Miller graphic novel Ronin and a film version of the classic video game franchise Castlevania (which he’s since departed). The release today of White’s The Losers (adapted from a DC Comics comic book series) may be the first example of his fannish tendencies made manifest, but if he has his way, it’ll hardly be the last. I talked to White today about how he weathers the scrutiny of superfans, and what he’s got in mind for Ronin , his remake of the French film Le Magnifique , and several other properties.

Go here to read the rest:
The Losers Director Sylvain White on Race, Remakes and Video Games

American Idol: Blinded By the Light [Recaps]

On last night’s eliminationapalooza, several things happened. A robot was given divine power. A pretty girl was scorned. A cutie patootie went skating again. And Puff Daddy Diddy P. shone a strobe light into our eyes and made us crazy. More