Tag Archives: sex-offending

Isabeli Fontana Modeling Half Naked of the Day

Isabeli Fontana may be pushing 30. She may be a mom of two. But as far as I’m concerned, she will always be the 16 year old who made Victoria’s Secret look like a bunch of sex offending perverts because they put her in lingerie and took pictures of her in what would get a normal person arrested for the shit…but that got Victoria’s Secret a slap on the wrist…thanks to the billion dollar legal team….that has since advised them to not shoot pics of girls under 18 in their lingerie…something, you’d think they would have known before shooting this Isabeli Fontana…. Despite the 14 years, the babies, the 3 marriages, she’s still got it going on. I’m a fan.

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Isabeli Fontana Modeling Half Naked of the Day

Selena Gomez Superhero Dress of the Day

The nerds and fan boys are gonna love this shit… Not sure what her superpower is – but assume it’s sex offending…She’s good at that and always gets off…if you know what I mean…and that is that she’s never been arrested for banging a 16 year old….when I know people who have been for just propositioning 16 year olds on the internet….which makes me wonder if the law gives celebs preferential treatment or if her relationship with Bieber is fake, staged and designed to help both their careers get press….which then makes me wonder why the fuck am I debating Selena Gomez and Bieber’s sex life…I’m a grown man and this is just weird….but then I remember that she’s dressed like a superhero…. Thanks for being on this journey with me… To See the Rest of the Pics

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Selena Gomez Superhero Dress of the Day

Selena Gomez-Sex Offender Bikini of the Day

These pictures of Selena Gomez in her bikini, self shot, like a typical slutty teen trying to get the affection of the boys in her class, or like a typical 20 something, trying to get the affection of her facebook friends, or like pretty much any girl feeling sexy looking for some male attention, in a way that I approve of, which is standing in front of a mirron, cellphone in hand, half naked….cuz I know she let this out thinking “Damn I look Good”… Apparently the pics are old, from May, when she was in Hawaii sex offending Justin Bieber, even though I’m not convinced he’s not just Usher’s boy pussy, into dudes cuz he never had a dad, or some shit, that involves it all being one big publicity stunt lie, that maybe even Gomez’s people are behind, whoring her out to him, for personal gain…I just know that whatever they are doing, she’s 18, he’s not and that makes it illegal and getting her on the sex offenders list would be a nice lesson for all the sex offenders out there…not to mention it’d be hilarious…so let’s hope they make an example out of her sex offending ass. That said, here are some pictures of her from yesterday – cuz she’s hired the paprazzi to follower as part of her takeover plan that will end up in a sex tape or leaked nudes when she realizes no one cares about her shit…to keep our sex offending watch more up to date….so that we know where she is at all times and so that she doesn’t come to your home and sex offend you….or your loved ones…

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Selena Gomez-Sex Offender Bikini of the Day