Tag Archives: pics-on-social

Rat Cow has an Ass and WAnts you To Know it of the Day

Rat Cow is in a movie….that’s why she’s in Italy wearing her bathing suit around like some sort of slut…but she can’t be a slut…if she was would she be world famous on social media with all those millions of Russian followers thanks to having great tits at the right time in a music video that went beyond viral….that’s all it really takes… She is neither talented or interesting, provided you don’t consider big shameless tits on a pretty small frame talented or interesting, which I guess they kind of are both a talent and interesting in a boring world where not all girls have tits like this one and those who do can’t pull off the scam that this one pulled off… She may forever earn money because people are dumb and see numbers and confuse those numbers for actually mattering or being capable to carry anything beyond slutty pics on social media.. Even movie producers are giving her work now…when I was really sure she was going to fade into obscurity and remain an instagrammer…I see the IMDB page filling up with people hoping to get people to see their movie by using her….not necessarily how Fincher and Afleck used her sexually…but using her none the less…because that’s what you gotta do with these low levels trying to validate their low level whoring. I am not a fan, but I think being so not a fan kinda makes me a fan nonetheless because I pay attention to what her tits are up to when I don’t actually care, yet this post tells a very different tale… The post Rat Cow has an Ass and WAnts you To Know it of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rat Cow has an Ass and WAnts you To Know it of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld in Bikini of the Day

I like this vagina forward picture of Hailee Steinfeld, not because I think Hailee Steinfeld is hot, despite her looking fitter than ever… I never watched True Grit, and if I did, I wouldn’t have eagerly waited for the actress’ 18th birthday so that I can finally jerk off to her without guilt… I assume that so many Hailee Steinfeld fans are creeps who fall for an actress when they are underage and stick it out….when they are of age because it feels less wrong. It happened with Lohan, Chloe Grace, Harry Potter Chick and pretty much any girl who turned 18 while famos…. I never liked Hailee Steinfeld, especially not her pop career, if anything I find it laughable and a sign of the times where anyone with any level of low level fame, can put out an album to cash out.. even if she’s making fucking bank on songs about her masturbating…and touching herself…doesn’t mean it’s godo… I just like the vagina forward stance because it reminds me of an old joke about a girl with a vagina that would chase people and the host body that couldn’t control it….you wouldn’t understand…no one understands… She has ass from a great angle in a skimpy bottom… She also Had hard nipples in a one piece….. I guess the nice thing about Steinfeld is that she’s not posting the shameless pics on social media like Lohan, she lets the paparazzi do it so she looks innocent and angelic when we all know they are all a bunch of whores! TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Hailee Steinfeld in Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hailee Steinfeld in Bikini of the Day

Selena Gomez and her Pink Dress of the Day

People are loving this Selena Gomez Pink Dress…I guess it’s a story of a survivor, who after her chemotherapy, has managed to live life exactly as she did before her chemotherapy because chemotherapy is just an good marketing hook to help her promote her album and a technicality because the dose is so minimal for lupus, bitch can do everything as if she’s not on Chemotherpay…but it sounds so dramatic..that way when she busts out her tits in a dress…people will look at her with more sympathy as they jerk off because what else is this little chipmunk good for…not her music…or the fact she fucked Bieber….that’s for damn sure….. The post Selena Gomez and her Pink Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez and her Pink Dress of the Day

Alyssa Milano Breastfeeding in Costume of the Day

Alyssa Milano doesn’t like me very much. I mean not that she gives a fuck about me, but she has blocked me on all her social media after telling me that I’m pretty much the fucking worst…for mocking her hairy arms…along with every other site…because she has hairy arms…something she shouldn’t have given into and got lasered off…because the second she did, the cyberbully trolls won…and I am sure her husband thanks us for that, you know super stoked to be with his childhood Who’s the Boss crush, but that body hair is just vile…if anything, maybe he hired me to do the bullying… I think she should have been stronger, she should have championed the cause, but instead, she’s championed the right to post breast feeding pics on social media, because Free the Nipple, it’s absurd it’s considered a tit when a baby is attached to it…even though the majority of a tit’s life…it’s a sex object…for both man and woman.. But as long as she keeps posting the pics…to prove a point…we’re all winners…if you consider seeing Alyssa Milano breast feeding a win…I think it’s more confusing since she’s in her 40s… I guess what I am saying is that breast feeding isn’t illegal, what’s this misguided bitch’s problem…she should go back to fighting the right for hairy bitches… The post Alyssa Milano Breastfeeding in Costume of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alyssa Milano Breastfeeding in Costume of the Day

Alyssa Milano Breastfeeding in Costume of the Day

Alyssa Milano doesn’t like me very much. I mean not that she gives a fuck about me, but she has blocked me on all her social media after telling me that I’m pretty much the fucking worst…for mocking her hairy arms…along with every other site…because she has hairy arms…something she shouldn’t have given into and got lasered off…because the second she did, the cyberbully trolls won…and I am sure her husband thanks us for that, you know super stoked to be with his childhood Who’s the Boss crush, but that body hair is just vile…if anything, maybe he hired me to do the bullying… I think she should have been stronger, she should have championed the cause, but instead, she’s championed the right to post breast feeding pics on social media, because Free the Nipple, it’s absurd it’s considered a tit when a baby is attached to it…even though the majority of a tit’s life…it’s a sex object…for both man and woman.. But as long as she keeps posting the pics…to prove a point…we’re all winners…if you consider seeing Alyssa Milano breast feeding a win…I think it’s more confusing since she’s in her 40s… I guess what I am saying is that breast feeding isn’t illegal, what’s this misguided bitch’s problem…she should go back to fighting the right for hairy bitches… The post Alyssa Milano Breastfeeding in Costume of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alyssa Milano Breastfeeding in Costume of the Day

Lucy Hale Creeper Creeping on her in V Magazine of the Day

Lucy Hale is probably the least Pretty Little Liar, that I assume is a teen show about sex in high school, but that I could be wrong about, because I don’t watch the show, but if I wrote the show, this would be the substitute teacher some of the boys want to fuck, because she’s hot for 40…and not one of the high school students because she looks 40.. This is a shoot for V magazine, because everyone wants to be fashion, and fashion wants to feature anyone who is a huge fucking star, because it’s good for business and social media following, that they can use to sell better ad campaigns with… So they sexed this thing up, it worked, and I relate to the creeper creeping in the background, because that’s usually my roll in most sexual encounters…often times from across the street with binoculars…because I’m a pervert… Does this put Lucy Hale on the map? I don’t know, but I like when all girls get semi-slutty, even the one who wasn’t cast for Springbreakers when all her friends were, probably because of the whole looking 40 thing… Who cares. Apparently I do because I posted it…but that’s just an illustion…I don’t know what else to do with myself…I’m in a prison I built myself and this is part of it…we call it internet purgatory. The highlight of these pics is Shay Mitchell, her co-star’s bikini selfie… The post Lucy Hale Creeper Creeping on her in V Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lucy Hale Creeper Creeping on her in V Magazine of the Day

Katie Holmes White Trash Hooker Mom Outfit is Amazing of the Day

I think white trash trailer park mom in a denim tube dress you’d expect to find on a 90s stipper, and/or hooker, while looking rugged, drugged up and battered…is a pretty amazing look for Katie Holmes, even if it’s just for a movie role, and the reality is that Tom Cruise has her on payroll so that she never really lets the truth out there…assuming that she’s not a robot version of Katie Holmes, or some look-alike they found in eastern Europe and conditioned to be Katie Holmes… I mean maybe I just like this because it reminds me of every sad, lonely, affordable woman at the grocery store I’ve paid for blowjobs….each holding a special place in my heart… Or maybe I just wish Katie Holmes….really lived the life this looks like she lives.. And the Ultimate Pic – the Ass Flash.. The post Katie Holmes White Trash Hooker Mom Outfit is Amazing of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Katie Holmes White Trash Hooker Mom Outfit is Amazing of the Day

Christina Aguilera Goes Instagram Whore of the Day

There must be some deep rooted psychological, or even genetic coding, that may be a product of evolution, you know being the most desirable pussy in the room, in some animalistic way to lure the most eligible cock in the room…to keep the human race going…. Because why else is every single girl compelled to post panty pics on social media…sometimes topless…sometimes…in different poses, or staged photoshoots… Is it a mob mentality? Do people get their egos massaged doing this? THis is X-Tina Aguilera, she’s rich as fuck, she’s been jerked off to more than most girls are in a lifetime. She was hot shit in the late 90s…she’s rich as fuck…she’s a mom…go do mom things…why the fuck is she flashing her panties… Not that I’m complaining about this mob mentality, all girls doing it, I just don’t get it…why?! Is it a daddy thing, male attention thing? Someone explain why everyone wants to be naked or half naked on intagram…it’s so fucked. Here’s her caption: Just so you know with me, it’s all real, all the time. Felt like it was time to start sharing some personal stuff with you guys… And it’s just the beginning. Night night. X Weird. The post Christina Aguilera Goes Instagram Whore of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Christina Aguilera Goes Instagram Whore of the Day

Heidi Klum and Bar Refaeli Fantasy Picture 10 Years Too Late of the Day

I think I overshot my excitement on this picture of Bar Refaeli and Heidi Klum a couple of ex- Victoria’s Secret pussy in dresses, sticking tongues out, grabbing asses…..by giving them a post….because I realize they’re not naked…but more importantly they are old, washed up, and this site is supposed to be about new pussy breaking down doors crying for attention through nudity so people notice them and not old and established pussy fully clothed…. If it is not crying for attention for people to notice them…I don’t wanna know about them…but I did it….so it’s too late now…I’m gonna run with it…. Maybe the story in this is the Jew and the Nazi unite…..despite how one’s grandparents gassed the other’s grandparents….in a forgive and forget…we’re both models…and that’s our bond….. But it’d be a better story if this ended in German scat…and who knows…maybe it did….back in the hotel room….when the cameras were off and the plastic sheets were sprawled out… To See The Rest of the Pics of Heidi Klum FOLLOW THIS LINK To See the Rest of the Pics of Bar Refaeli FOLLOW THI LINK

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Heidi Klum and Bar Refaeli Fantasy Picture 10 Years Too Late of the Day

Selena Gomez Superhero Dress of the Day

The nerds and fan boys are gonna love this shit… Not sure what her superpower is – but assume it’s sex offending…She’s good at that and always gets off…if you know what I mean…and that is that she’s never been arrested for banging a 16 year old….when I know people who have been for just propositioning 16 year olds on the internet….which makes me wonder if the law gives celebs preferential treatment or if her relationship with Bieber is fake, staged and designed to help both their careers get press….which then makes me wonder why the fuck am I debating Selena Gomez and Bieber’s sex life…I’m a grown man and this is just weird….but then I remember that she’s dressed like a superhero…. Thanks for being on this journey with me… To See the Rest of the Pics

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Selena Gomez Superhero Dress of the Day